Write Off Theme: Rite of Passage
Welcome Steemers! In spirit of Steemit's Social Media Revolution, we feel it is fitting for our first theme of the #steemitwriteoff to be about transformation. A rite of passage in a broad sense is an event in a person's life that is indicative of a transition from one stage to another. Let your imaginations run wild for the #steemitwriteoff.
- Your Steemit post must be original and written by you.
- It must be posted before 11:59PM PST on August 22st.
- The winner will be announced August 23rd.
- It can be fiction or non-fiction.
- We prefer new but an old post will be accepted as long as it fits the theme.
- It should be something you're proud of.
- Photos are welcome but your writing is what will be judged.
- Only one post per writer will be accepted.
Judging Criteria
- Posts are judged by @truthmomma and @tralawar.
- Our judgement will be based off of theme-relevance and overall enjoyment.
- The upvotes and comments of Steemers will be taken into consideration.
- Tag your post with #steemitwriteoff.
- We will highlight our 10 favorites with the announcement of the three winners.
All #steemitwriteoff earnings we receive will go to the Winners.
1st Place 80% of the Steem Dollars
2nd Place 15% of the Steem Dollars
3rd Place 5% of the Steem Dollars
If you'd like to donate you may send it to @truthmomma along with a memo that says "write off donation." to ensure transparency.
@the-alien donated $50 SD.
@tralawar donated $10 SD.
@freesteem donated $5 SD.