Life on Steemit: My Story - Episode 1

It's been 11 days now (roughly) since I joined Steemit so here's my story and a few thoughts on my life here so far.

After Facebook got irritating beyond belief, and I realised that:
a) I didn't like anything that was being posted
b) I was unhappy when I opened it
c) It made my life miserable.

So I decided to delete my account. Expecting a sense of loss that never came.

But I enjoy writing and have an opinion, especially on Fantasy Football so when a client of mine (I make websites and mobile apps for people) mentioned Steemit and that you could get paid to do this, I rubbed my hands at the prospect, so I signed up.

With anything new, it took me a little while to find my feet but just started posting, hoping that the community would be patient. And it was.

I found some communities that shared my passions and created another which didn't. I had to be patient, wondering how long it takes to earn 0.220 Steem Power but that forced me to leave my computer and have a real life.

So what have I noticed so far?

  1. You get upvotes from people who don't read what you've written - I find this strange. I'll no doubt have 5 upvotes after 5 minutes (they wait 5 minutes to maximise curation awards). EDIT: Thanks for proving me wrong superbots!
  2. Very few people comment - It's a community where people read and vote but rarely comment. Communities are built upon dialogue so I see this as a hinderance to growth but that's the way it is. I'll comment. A lot it would seem.
  3. A lot of people are lazy - Whether they're lazy in life or just on Steemit, I don't know. When I have an original idea that I share, upvotes follow. As do the piggyback posts trying to mimic what I've done. I don't like it, it's a form of plagiarism, especially when there's no credit to the original author. But it's a harder form of plagiarism to identify than the obvious copy and pasting which Steemit's fighting to stamp out.
  4. There are some really decent people here - Not much more to add. I've found a few and am searching for more!
  5. It's all about the money, money, money - I'm here because I need an escape from life as a full time dad, the money's a bonus (a nice bonus). Many are here for the money and it's reflected in what they post and point 3 above. If you want to get people to read what you're doing, create a contest and give away some steem. They come-a-flocking.
  6. Linked to 5, steemcurators get tagged. A lot. "Oh, Mr steemcurator01, you are wonderful and I send you my endless thanks". Literally hundreds per day. They should just write "Hey steemcurator, upvote me because I want the dollars".

That's enough for now. I've rambled too much and have my real life, and a real toddler to get back to.


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