#STEEMLORDS : Introducing - #THENOMADS [Are YOU a Nomad?]

​No one really knows who the leader of the Nomads is or how they managed to find each other.

It's said that it all began with one man walking the road alone when another came to walk the same road, and then another, and another, until there was a few of them walking the same patch of dirt heading towards the same general direction.

And sometimes, it's the simplest things like walking on the same dirt road that bonds people together.

Rumors say it took them 4 weeks to utter a word to each other. Nomads are notoriously private you see, but everyone knows there is safety in numbers and with everything going on in Westeros one thing became abundantly clear, travelling together, albeit silently, is the best course of action.


👉 Dont belong to Teams Australia, Philippines, USA or GB?

👉 Want to join in the fun but you dont want to join a group?

🌟 #THENOMADS could be just the thing for you. 🌟

The Nomads tag will be active for this event only. 

It wont be like #teamaustralia that a lot of us use and check all the time. Unless you guys would like to make it permanent then sweet! We'll cross that bridge later.

For now, lets just say we're making this tag for the Nomads out there who want to play along but don't want to join any of the existing teams.

If this is you. Please comment below to sign up for the #STEEMLORDS #THENOMADS team. 

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