Steemlords - The Blacksmiths Journey

Credit to @bearone

As our royal and highest commander in the land tolls the bell to summons the warriors for the impending crusade the trusty Gohba (blacksmith to the empire) begins his journey south.

The blacksmith loads up this trust Japanese steed the mighty White Navarais with a plentiful supply of hammers and steel to forge the weapons of war and the tools of conquests.

Kissing the women goodbye the loyal blacksmith heads south from his peaceful lands near the ocean. The first of many troubles come as he is forced to pass through the horrendous badlands of Caboolturopia, steeming past the hoards of scum and villains he makes his way onto the mighty road names for the historical legend of Bruce.

As he nears the epicenter for northern civilizations, Brisbania, the traffic grinds the loyal Gohba to a standstill. As he inches closer and closer to his intended destination, he is constantly forsaken with Trolls wanting money to pass. First the Gateway Troll, then Troll Clem and Troll Clem's annoying little brother and lastly Troll Logan and we are finally on the way to meet up with our Knight and fearless leader.

All Hail @sirknight and Long Live Team Australia


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