SteemLords- The Journey of Pheli - Gathering Forces

This is the story of the intrepid Pheli, the treasure hunter and seeker of Silver and Gold.

Credit to @bearone

Pheli is not one but two adventurers, two friends Phil and Eli, so bonded their names have been merged. If you wish to bore yourself with the story of the creation of this merged being, here is a link to that story (but it's really going to be disappointing).

Official photo of us

Pheli has heard the call of Excalibur across the Steem, it calls to them, they must pursue this journey. They know they must head to the rally points, but they know they cannot face this challenge alone. This adventure is much greater then them and they know there is strength in numbers. They blow the Horn of Gondor, they strike the rally gongs and beat the drums of war to awaken their resting and weary allies from the #steemsilvergold community. They know @goldenarms is quite the weaver of tales, with great wit and humour. Their new friend @thedamus has heard the call and he is quite the swashbuckler.

They know they will need more help at their sides, and no one is stronger then the fallen Jedi and Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader. They know he will be in a galaxy far far away, they board the Millennium Falcon and rush to light speed to plead for his assistance. Vader is resolute is his quest for power and Pheli knows he will help with the quest. When they arrive at his secret base on Mustafar, they find Lord Vader has been encased in Silver. This is not the work of modern technology and not the work of the Force. No Jedi or Sith could preform such a thing. This is some other form of magic, some other worldly magic....some dark magic.

Private photo of coin in our collection

Pheli knows of only one being who could possess such power. Such witchcraft could only come from the depths of the underworld itself. It must be the work of "The Succubus".

Image created by El Art, and rights owned by phelimint

Such a vile demon who can seduce any man, (or half man/half machine-Sith Lord). Pheli has overcome her temptation once and they know what they must do to release Vader from his shiny prison. But first Pheli will rest, and tomorrow he will defeat 'The Succubus', recruit lord vader and make his way to the rally point.

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