STEEMLORDS – Rise of the DragonRider - Sir Scooterless

Source - @bearone

For 100 days I had travelled. Trudging through the wastelands of a foreign land accompanied only by my trusty steed, Longhairs and some worldly possessions in a wooden cart. Finally I was here, Dreadnought Mountain. Legend has it that beneath the mountain lies a great treasure. One that would change the course of the world.

Dreadnought Mountain - Source

As I reach the base of the mountain I begin my search for the door to the entrance of the passage of longlove. The exact location of this secret passage into the depths of the mountain was disclosed to me by Lord Percival the Magnificent. A galant knight who loved to partake in a pint or two of ye olde cider and spin tales of far-away places. After ample cider on this particular night, Lord Percival disclosed the secrets of the treasure I desired.


Deep inside the passage of longlove, the heat was unbearable. Sweat dripped from every pore as I strode deeper and deeper along the slippery and treacherous passage into the bowels of the mountain. After hours of scrambling, a faint amber light presented itself to me. Buzzing around my body. What is this magic I have encountered? Yet it appeared to be calling me to a place, beckoning with each flicker. So on I pressed.

Finally, the buzzing glow stopped and there it was. It was a fantastical sight. A mix of blue and salmon pink, dotted with white speckles, this was the largest egg ever encountered.
Collecting this precious treasure, I retreated from the passage of longlove and began the long and arduous journey back to my homeland. Mounting Longhairs, with the egg secured in our cart, our return journey began.

Many moons later, we arrived in the homeland of my forefathers to care for my worldly treasure. After care and nurturing the day of the hatching was finally upon us.

The day of Rigormortis, The Blue Dragon, had arrived.


Bringing us to the present.

Here I soar high above the Shivering Sea, Rigormortis between my legs, heading for the rally point, armed, suited up with my powerful dragon by my side, ready for #SteemLords to begin. It will be a dangerous and perilous adventure in the search for Excalibur.


Join us as we torch our way to victory.

Me, Sir Scooterless, and my trusty dragon, Rigormortis.

Onward and upward to victory……

scooter77 footer ta - bearone.png

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