#STEEMLORDS: Princess Loki Awakens


Princess Loki stuck her head out of the cell, looking cautiously around. The dungeons were empty.

"That damned Odin" she thought to herself . It was just a few small drinks with her BFF mortal buddy Madam Arly.

And to be honest, they hadn't actually meant to set the place on fire. That dude with the horns just wouldn't let up!


It certainly didn't warrant 4 days in the sin bin! And what was wrong with mortal friends anyway.. better than listening to the stuck up bunch talking about the good old days in in that stuffy old Hall of Valhalla!


Mortals were fun.. and some of those mortal men were cute and just a little bit naughty! That Blacksmith was really worth chasing down at some point - especially now he's cleared up his skin! Thank goodness for Bulk Billing Healers!

She dragged her thoughts back to the present. She really needed to get out and see what was going on. There were rumours that many great warriors were enroute to amass at Camelot... She bet it was that damned sword! It was nothing but trouble ever since it was forged. Thor was going to be sooooo mad if he found out the mortals were after it again... Bloody Lady of the Lake.. she never could be trusted!

Then again, could Asgard afford such power to fall into the hands of these warriors.

Loki faced a dilemma - to tell Thor and stop the nonsense straight away; to back one of these mortal warriors in their quest; or to go get the damned thing herself. She was partial to swords and Excalibur would be a spectacular edition to her collection.

Or rather a return to her collection!

The mortal stories never ever told who pulled it from the rock in the first place.. she even had the selfie to prove it!


All they cared about was that silly boy who became a king, who came along and pulled it out again. If truth be told, Loki thought she'd probably not put it back properly anyway.. and she had always intended going back to collect it. Really - what did a goddess have to do these days?

But if she was to back one of the warriors who would it be?

BattleWom certainly held much potential, overcoming that pompous twat "Mr Theseus - I killed the Minotaur". Get over it already!

ChooXena would also make a worthy partner. Plus she had the Goblet of PAL. Now that would upset Aegir no end.


He'd been a right pain in the butt since getting his hands on the Holy Grail. Yes ChooXena could definitely be a worthy Warrior Princess.. plus wherever she was, Loki had a better chance of finding that cute Lord Blacksmith. And she really was packing some kickin' green glowing swords!


There was no doubt.. Loki would have to search out her BFF. The question was - would she find her crazy fun loving friend, Madam (MadFun) Arly, in an over-sized underground cellar - or would she find Miss Righteous herself Baroness Bearone. One thing was for sure. Loki hoped she still had some of that Ambrosia she'd picked up in Crete that time! It would also be good to see Shaduppaurface again. That lizard was just so damned cute!


"Okay" Loki thought "Off to Himling - with a gift - hmmm maybe Sleipnir, Odin's beloved 8 legged horse"; and it would serve Odin right for locking her up!


But first it appeared she'd have to get him back from Lord Nenad. After all the trouble she'd gone to in order to get the horse in the first place and Nenad just waltzes on in and "borrows" him for a couple of centuries! Plus he needed a reminder that not all Gods were stuffy old bearded men sitting around reminiscing. Nothing was ever simple or straight forward!

A smile slowly spread across Loki's face as a plan formed in the princess's mind...

Stay tuned for the next chapter..

  • Will Princess Loki find her BFF - and more importantly in what state?
  • Was Lord Blacksmith as good looking as Loki remembered or did she have the beer goggles on again?
  • What on earth does a BattleWom look like?
  • Is ChooXena as perfect as she seems - and how much would she sell those swords for?
  • Will Thor find out what is going on on the mortal plane and totally lose his $#!%

For more fun and to see if any of these questions get answered don't forget to follow the whole story at:


Apologies up front to @bearone @choogirl @gohba-handcrafts @drwom and @nenad-ristic who have starring roles - but unfortunately I can't afford to pay you lol :)

Story content is original but inspired by Questmaster @sirknight as part of the #steemlords quest adventure
Header Wallpaper created by @bearone go and check her out. I mean it. RIGHT NOW!
Pictures credited where appropriate


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