#STEEMLORDS - Lord Silvernova emerges from the belly of the mountain. Answering the #STEEMSILVERGOLD rally!

This is the tale of an epic adventure, an adventure made up of many different adventurers adventures. This particular adventure finds our adventurer deep in the belly of a mountain.

Our tale today tells the story of an alchemist of sorts whi is but a warrior at heart. Trained in the ancient arts from the distant east, some have heard the names tai chi chuan and Kung fu echoing in the air but for many they are skills of myth and legend. Our warrior now spends his day’s working the arts of a very secret alchemy. This secret is passed from the trade master to the apprentice, after years of dedicated training. Our hero is long out of the robes of the apprentice and has been honing his skills as a man of the trade. The name of his alchemy has no written form but is represented by producing the chant elec-trish-city. Taking the precious metals gold, silver and copper out of the heart of the mountain and then using his alchemy to transfigure it into a magic energy that can produce light, light enough to illuminate the deepest mine in Steemit. 

Our hero has no real name, as he was born from the nothing, an enigma into the world. He is known by (and feared by) the notorious title of “The super bright, explosive flash of silver blades of destruction carving flesh in the glint of summers sunshine” ……. or lord silvernova for short. 

Lord silvernova had spent the last few years studying and fine tuning his crafts, in special consultation with the Dwarven Elite armourers discovering ways to infuse armour and weapons with his arcane magic. With rumours of Excalibur circulating the lands, he had doubled his efforts and had just finished the final touches on his equipment when news of the quest reached deep into the mine.

Armed with a suit of armour crafted of the toughest metals known to man or dwarf. His silver shield was infused with a by product of the elec-trish-city transfiguration - mag-net-ism. This strange power enabled his Silver Shield to attract the enemies attacks, and then repel them with force. His sword was formed using a secret art and as it was forged it had been infused with the power of the mightiest storm! Able to produce lightning with just one touch.

He emerged from deep within the mountain. It seemed as if it had been years since he had been to the surface, the sunlight hurt his eyes and the air tasted sweet and fresh. His mountain was in the far reaches of Western Steemit, so far West in fact you could almost call it east!  

Ravens are flying throughout the sky, carrying messages to the far corners of the kingdom. Something seems to be brewing and the countryside seems to be alive with change. There was a freshness to the air, something seemed different, there was a sense of foreboding that nothing was ever to be the same again. 

Intercepting a passing raven, lord silvernova recovered a note from the legendary SirKnight and it read:

To the lords of the mountains

The smiths without fear

Commence your march eastward

For the dawn of #steemlords grows near.

The time had arrived, it was time to suit up and ship out. The road ahead was to be perilous, fraught with danger and the risk of death around every corner. Armed with his arcane weapons and eastern martial arts, lord silvernova embarked on the track east.

Lord silvernova sent word throughout his secret network of contacts, scouring the guilds for information. He recieved word of lord @hgmsilvergold through his #steemsilvergold guild contacts and that the rally call had been placed. There were other members of the guild headed that way as well, maybe lord silvernova would cross paths with @thedamus, @phelimint or the legendary @sirknight on his travels. Unsure of news that the other guilds were gathering as well, lord silvernova proceeded with caution. Originating from the distant New Zealandia lord silvernova had heard stories of the guild # teamaustralia and they were known rivals of his ancestors but he was prepared to make friends …. For now. 

While the events on the road could warrant a collection of tales within itself, I will leave them to be told at a later stage around the campfires of victory, for the day draws near and our adventurer has drawn close to the rally point. His body has been savaged by the travels and fatigue has wreaked havoc on his muscles. A light can be seen in the distance and the faint chatter of voices can be heard.

Is this going to be one last challenge for his sword and shield? A final appearance in the arena of mortal combat in a brutal fight to the death?

Or has Lady Luck smiled upon our intrepid wanderer? Has he finally reached the rally point, where he can unload his weary body of it’s excess weight and enjoy an ale and leg of meat with comrades. A day or two to spare, to recover and prepare for the quest ahead. 

Excalibur waits for no man, #steemlords unite!

Pictures sourced from pexels.com, unsplash.com and the wonderful @bearone


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