My Ten Honest Reasons I Stay on Steemit.

I was supposed to make a blog about something else when Ginabot sent me numerous notifications. When I checked it out, I've seen that some of the authors that I have input in Ginabot's system have posted their blogs. I saw @maverickinvictus which is about "Ten Things I Love About Steemit". It gave me the urge to write about the things I love about this platform. So, here are the ten things/reasons that I stay on here:


  1. A platform that pays and it gives me quite lots of knowledge.
    Truthfully, I was lured to join Steemit because I was told that I could earn money on here, though I didn't think if I could earn a lot or not. After some time of staying on this platform, I've gained some knowledge and I can say that this platform can't give me financial support stability if I quit my job. Although, I really like the idea of a platform that pays me when I post a blog. And I won't be a hypocrite so, to tell the truth, I like this platform because I have already earned money from this but hey... it's not the main reason.
  2. It helps me expose my blogging skill
    If you have been my avid reader, which I think there is none,...Haha! You might have read my previous blogs and as what I have mentioned, I don't think that I have a great skill of blogging because I have never done this thing before. But because of Steemit and the people who had read some of my posted blogs, I learned that I also have the skill in writing.
  3. Boosts my confidence
    I never had the confidence of writing a piece of literature before that's why I never joined any blogging websites. I was always thinking that I didn't have the skill to write anything. A lot of amiable people on this platform commented kind words and supported the blogs that I made and those give me an impulse to create more. Thank you so much, everyone.
  4. Changes my social skill behavior
    I have been just staying at our home for the days, weeks or months. My social skill is getting weaker that it drives me crazy sometimes for I tend not to talk to other people outside my family. But Steemit actually helps me to interact with other people, although, in the form of cyber friends but it improves my social skill. I can speak up for myself more.
  5. Improves my English skill
    The English language is my third language because I am a Cebuano so you can probably determine how difficult it is for me or other Filipinos to use the English language. Whenever I speak to my family, I never use the English language because they can't understand the language. Even to my friends, I mostly talk to them using our vernacular language. But because of Steemit and my job, they help me improve my English Skill.
  6. Helps me gain more knowledge about cryptocurrencies
    I know very little about cryptocurrencies before I joined Steemit because I have already read on Google about Bitcoin. Though, this platform helps me gain more knowledge about other cryptocurrencies and other things related to this topic.
  7. Diverts my hobbies
    Most of my hobbies are just sleeping, sleeping, sleeping... Kidding! I actually like to watch worthless videos on Youtube just like mukbangs and I don't have any idea why I am so into them. I also liked to scan my Facebook timeline and read about my Facebook friends' curse and profanity that I shouldn't be reading, right? I mean what do I get from those. Steemit helps me forget about scanning more of my Facebook timeline and let me watch less those videos.
  8. Might probably make my wishes come true
    I've got lots of wishes, dream,... but boy I don't know how to realize them. It's difficult to do that since I am the breadwinner of the family and I've got lots of things to think of so I have to set aside my dreams. I have a dream of having my own house, traveling to my favorite beaches and places in the Philippines, and having my own business. Are they achievable? Well, Steemit perhaps helps me realize them in the long run... fingers crossed!
  9. Let me learn more about myself
    I probably knew myself before I found Steemit nonetheless this platform helps me dig more about myself. It is the reason I am learning new things about myself and that I can do things that I thought impossible for me to do. And I think I can learn more about myself in the future.
  10. Helps me donate some money to a heart patient and might help more other people/kids in the future
    And this is my 10th reason. If you have read about my blog of baby Ae's, you should know that I am trying to gain some funds to help donate to baby Ae's surgery as well as their daily needs at the hospital. Although, the amount accumulated isn't that big but alright. Everyone who upvoted and gives prayers and wishes helped so much because baby Ae's heart surgery last Thursday was a success. Thank you, Steemians!


I am amazed at how online earnings can really help. I mean this is my first time to indulge myself earning online and before I didn't believe that I could earn anything by doing something just like posting a blog. Steemit is awesome.

I started making this blog from 12:00 midnight and ended at 02:00 AM. I made it about 2 hours. I'm not a pro and I have to proofread it. Haha

If you would like to make your own version of this, then go ahead. Here is the list that @maverickinvictus would like you to input as well on your blog.


It's the ten things I love about the Steemit platform challenge.
Not Steem but Steemit.
There is no time limit and your target goal is ten likes.
I do ask that you time how long it takes you to list ten things you love.
Tag your post #steemlove and make sure to add your time to the post.

Spread "LOVE"!

Loving you all, Steemians.

Loudette 😘

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