PROOF OF STEEMLOVE - Lets Make a Difference in Someone's Life! [steem][blockchain][community]


Stronger Links = Stronger (Block)Chain

About two weeks ago I posted my first SteemLove post. The idea behind the SteemLove post is to take whatever the Author Rewards will be and send it as Steem to a Steem community member that could use a little SteemLove. The first Steemian I nominated was @petrarodriguez who lives in Venezuela, and posts to the Steem Blockchain about her life experiences, despite the fact that electricity and the internet are Not daily guarantees. In this first post I asked for community members to volunteer the next recipient of that SteemLove.

I had to choose the second Steemian to receive the next little bit of SteemLove from the community since I didn't receive any nominees. The second SteemLove recipient was @cryptopie who has been on the Steem Blockchain since the summer of 2017. Cryptopie, who's real name is Arnold, has been posting just about daily on the Steem Blockchain about his life without holding anything back.

For me, the idea behind SteemLove is simple. As it is often said, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, so by helping to support and lift up our community members, We make our Steem BlockCHAIN STRONGER one member at a time.

Proof of this, is another citizen of Venezuela, and a member of the Steem Blockchain community, who was volunteered by @karenb54 to be the next recipient of the community's SteemLove, is @denissemata . Denisse has been a member of the Steem Community since September 2017. Denisse has shared her life on the Steem Blockchain as well as her craft as a pastry chef. Denisse has wisely Invested some of her Steem Rewards to help pay for some of her Chef school tuition and costs, making the Steem Blockchain proud.

How Amazing is That? What other Blockchain can say that its community members help empower each other in this manner? Personally, I think We here on the Steem Blockchain would have made Satoshi Nakamoto quite proud if he were still around!!

The payout from this post that I receive will be 100% given to @denissemata to do as she wishes.

I am asking for 100% UP VOTES from those of you who can, and of course Re-Steems so that others may help by sending their SteemLove through up votes and re-steems as well.

Remember, this is to show the Collective Power of the Steem Blockchain Community to support and empower its community members. Thank You

I would like to have All those who do participate with an up vote to comment below and nominate a fellow Steemian that you believe should be the next to receive a STEEMLOVE post. Then we can do this again for another fellow Steemian.

What do you all think?
Who is Next for some SteemLove?

Take care everyone!
+++ @streetstyle

Prior SteemLove Posts:

3 columns
2 columns
1 column