A Chat With A Top Steem Trader…….. Steemians Speak - Has Steemit Met Your Expectation?....... This Week On Steemit…….. SteemMag – Steemit’s Weekend Digest #25 p.2

A Chat With @ozmaster

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SteemMag: The price of Steem dipped a couple of days ago? What is the most likely reason?

Big early miners or investors who don't believe in the project itself, don't forget that the big powerdowns came out "recently". Might be one reason for the dumps. That would also trigger a reaction at the big traders, even the ones wanting STEEM to rise in the longer term will like the opportunity to buy at the cheapest possible prices.

SM: You trade a couple of cryptos apart from Steem? Why would you prefer trading Steem to other coins?

Yes, I do trade a couple of other cryptos, mostly coins that have a long history like VTC, BLK, VIA, NSR,...
Pretty much STEEM is an actively traded coin with reasonable volume on a daily basis, what not many other coins have. Another point is that STEEM, compared to its historical prices, is at very low levels, which if you have a long term plan in mind is very appealing.

SM: Steemit is 10 months and the Steem mining has been on for almost 12 months. What is your overview on trading Steem i.e trade history of the coin and the journey so far?

To me the trade history is telling that STEEM is in a heavy accumulation mode. The price keeps going down and even made a new all-time low, yet the platform is working and users are relatively active.

People who want STEEM to go into uptrend in a longer run will have the interest to try and force the people who want to exit to exit at lowest possible prices.

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A Chat With @acidyo

How I joined
I was a big fan of reddit, the way imaginary karma points were incentive enough for users to post good and mostly original content and how it differed in quality from all other sites at the time (5-6 years ago).

Of course there were re-posts, plagiarists and all sorts of uploaders, but the real gems were the comments in my opinion, that's why I stuck around so long and enjoyed being a part of that community. Comments were the gem that could make the oldest re-post worthwhile since a heap of users were contributing and competing against others (for worthless karma) to come up with the most original/witty/funny/interesting/quality commentating. To say the least, reddit had an edge over all other sites in quality.

There was also where I stumbled upon Steemit in a cryptocurrency subreddit. I quickly created an account and the more I read about it the more that feeling when I first stumbled upon reddit I received. The feeling of innovation, of something new and fresh, a game-changer with potential to overcome the one site I loved for all these years.

Earlier expectations

My early expectations where that it would shoot up quicker in popularity than anything before, but I've come to understand over the months that competition is fierce in this economy and especially in the attention economy with the bigger platforms themselves (censorship of links taking users to different platforms than the one they are one, for instance). Compared to other companies and how they have accelerated in the past to mass adoption, we are still on a very solid and good way towards that in my opinion.

Surprising Moments

There haven't been too many surprised or crazy moments, of course during July and the post payouts with the steem price were kind of crazy! Seeing users from anywhere in the world posting to this new social website, for some of them one post on this random website being something that turned their life around. It was a very unique experience. I have been a believer of cryptocurrencies for a long time, on and off because of real life getting in the way, but to see blockchain technology being used for the first time for the people, not just the investors, speculators, traders. But for you and me, content creators, artists, anyone and everyone really.\

My suggestion is to keep improving, experimenting while it’s in beta, while continuing to listen to the wisdom of the crowd/community. I really hope we find a good and fair solution to rewarding commentators as that is something I believe will be a very strong aspect of the site and its censorship-resistant advantage. With real value being rewarded to good contributions, fee's being almost non-existent and the underlying technology supporting it strongly, I imagine the quality of the platform will continue to improve while more and more front-ends will be begin to accelerate user growth.

A lot of interesting events happened this week. And in case you missed them, we’ve got your back. Here are some of the most important events that happened on Steemit this week. Steem drops from last week's position to 13th on the coinmarketcap.com’s crypto market capitalization list. @steemitblog releases details on Proposed Comment Reward Curve @uniphyscho releases updates to SteemWriter For a comprehensive list of dedicated Steem blockchain apps. Check out SteemTools.com Meanwhile, SBD rates ranged from 1 SD = $ 0.97 - 1.01 this week
~$0.117 and $0.148 were the lowest and highest value traded this week for a unit of Steem respectively.

Steemians Talk contd...

What did I expect? I'm not sure, but usually investing in a cryptocoin is sort of "fire and forget". You buy a bunch of coin and then sit on it for a while, hoping to get rich. With Steemit, you don't get off that easy. It forces you to participate to maintain the value of your investment because otherwise, small bits of your value will be given away to those that do.
Steemit has much value though. It's turned a normal quiet, lurker like me into an active participator. I've been pretty active lately and it's a lot of fun. A huge plus to Steemit and the Steem blockchain is censorship resistant, and I've been trying to demonstrate that with my latest posts. What's the future of Steemit? It's unclear, but I'm here for the ride.


When I was told about Steemit by @Gringalicious, I was new to cryptocurrencies. (I mean, I knew of them, but I didn't own any, nor had I heard words like "blockchain" or "hardfork".) She had recently just joined and had received a rather impressive payout for one of her posts and messaged me about the platform, knowing that I enjoyed making art - c'mon, everyone knows that there is no easy or affordable way to be paid for being an artist, unless you have a signed paper from some institution saying that you are an artist.

haha I signed up with very few expectations, really, but after looking into it more and more and realizing how huge it could become, I was stunned. (I missed the $4.00 ride by a couple of months, but I've come to terms with that. haha) When I got my first $100+ payout, my excitement and expectations skyrocketed.

My newly formed expectations were that this platform was going to grow exponentially, and fast - to this day, I still feel the same. I believe that there is a serious amount of potential here. We've been all over the board with prices lately, and within the past few days the price has dropped below $0.12USD - That hurts a bit, but for the most part, I am unaffected by it, as I see STEEM as an investment, and I view Steemit as the tool for that investment. Steemit is definitely living up to my current expectations, and I believe that it will only grow from here. I'm actually really looking forward to seeing which changes are agreed upon for Hardfork 0.17.0!

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