A Chat With The Man Behind ANONSTEEM....This Week On Steemit....Meeting Project Positivity Lead…......SF CountDown... SteemMag – Steemit’s Weekend Digest #17 p.2

How did you discover Steemit? And how has the journey been so far?

Someone came onto my Litecoin Slack asking for help with an escrow on STEEM, coblee wasn't available at the time so I thought I'd take the job on. I ended up attacked by downvote bots, and thought I had wasted my time on here. Then I made my introduction post, which hit the frontpage and got me $300, which got me hooked.

Since then I decided to work towards developing things for STEEM, knowing that my work would be paid for well, compared to other coins where you have to rely on donations

What inspired you to start the ANONSTEEM service?

I had several ideas at the time, which I didn't want to be affiliated with my own name, and making social media accounts is too much effort. By creating anonsteem, my own ideas could be concealed by the other users creating accounts. funnily enough, in the end I was so distracted by anonsteem and how much it was making, that I never even ended up building those other secret projects.

You've created a number of Steem Blockchain based tools. Which is your favorite? And How has it been being a developer on Steemit?

AnonSteem definitely. with SteemValue in second place. AnonSteem is my favourite just because it's such a useful service, people like klye and williambanks use it all the time for various purposes
it's been great being a developer on STEEM because my projects get a lot of attention, and I believe I get awarded fairly for my time, where-as developing something for Litecoin could be a complete hit or miss. LiteVault, which has 20,000 USERS... has only received roughly $1000 in donations over 2 years (not even enough to cover server costs, so it's coming out of my own pocket)

As a witness, what's your opinion on the latest changes proposed by Steemit Inc?

I'm uncertain about the changes for witnesses, the fact we'd be paid in liquid steem instead of SP seems to incentivize us to sell faster, rather than hold long term. however, I do like that witness votes disappear after 3 months, people like bitcube have a lot of votes still there, even though they're completely inactive as a witness

I do like the faster power down rate though, 2 years is a long time in blockchain-based technology. Investors would be much happier to invest if they knew they could get their investment back out faster, rather than praying that STEEM doesn't crash to 0 in 2 years.

Also, the 2 day transfer instead of 7 days will probably help the STEEM price stabilize. It's one of the reasons I never used the 7 day exchange, because it took way too long, and I was happier to take a small cut rather than wait 7 days to get my money out. 2 days is a much shorter period, and people are more likely to use that, meaning the STEEM price may stabilize and possibly go back up and, it'll allow us witnesses to reduce our SBD peg percentage (currently between 10-15%)

Thanks @someguy123 for taking the time to have a chat with SteemMag. Looking forward to more more cool (secret ;) )Steem tools from you

A Chat With Project Positivity

How has been your journey so far on Steemit and what has been your favorite moment so far?

My journey has been interesting. Steemit has been quite a learning curve for me. I write for the Huffington Post, several mens health magazines and also a random publication here and there. I receive a lot of love, and a bit of hate also - but on there I tend to ignore it, it's easier. On Steemit, it's a bit harder to ignore, and it's required retaliation several times - something I'd never ever think about doing professionally. But, that being said, there is SO much love on Steemit, and that I can't ignore - and some of the comments I get totally make my day. I have a lot of plans for Project Positivity - I'm just at a lull right now because of family illness.

My favourite moment had to have been just recently when I wrote about sex, it was a first for me, and it opened up a community of writers on Steemit that I didn't know existed. Lovely

What inspired you to start the positivity project?

My passion for positivity. There is SO much negativity in the world, I'm just trying to get people to write about good stuff. It starts off by looking at a moment in time which was initially bad, and turning it into a positive. That was my first challenge.

Every cloud has a silver lining. I want people to start enjoying others company more. Stop getting wrapped up with what's wrong with life - let's get out there and damn do something about it!

What are your favourite submissions so far? And why?

I am such a fanboy of @jrcornel - his posts emit a raw sense of happiness with himself, his life and the people around him. I really like that. I'm drawn to such personalities because I can really relate to that. Just happy being yourself.

She probably doesn't know it but I'm an avid follower of @karenb54 and I'm really proud of how far she's come in her writing and thought process since I found her. Baby steps, but she's doing amazingly. It's nice how she's changed her thinking towards her posts.

I've recently stumbled upon @lukestokes and I read an article about sexuality from him that blew me away from a strong feeling of being there myself. I've been reading all his work since then! There are so many others that I read, but you probably want this succinct?

My favourite piece that I wrote was , "Why authority is an illusion". It was super enjoyable to write that, social dynamics highly intrigue me. I'm always learning and trying to find new ways on how to covertly give people a helping hand. But to do that I first have to understand how it all works. And I love it

What other initiatives inspire you on Steemit? and which areas would you like to see more projects focusing on?

My favourite initiative is @steemptentice - when I first initiated my remit for Project Positivity, @sycochica got in contact with me - and her thoughts and ideals resounded very, very well. I want to play a bigger active role in @steemprentice but as I say, I need to lift Project Positivity off the ground first. It still has many miles to travel

Steemit is very money focused. I don't like that too much. I think there needs to be far more projects on business related skills to get people off and running if they want to pursue an active career in blogging. If you were lucky, like I was in the beginning, then it could be an awesome way to earn money, but, like it is for me now, earning between $7 and $40 per post (which isn't to be sniffed at, thank you steemit fans!) then to pay the bills you need a lot of other avenues and slices of pie. I'd love to see projects that build the skills of the writer, change the mentality, and look for opportunity everywhere. If you look at Steemit - hardly anyone has tried affiliate marketing yet, yet I feel that would be a great advantage for this place

Where do you see Steemit in the next 6 months? and what are future plans for Project Positivity?

I'm happy with the platform as it is right now. I understand we're in beta, yet I feel there are big big changes on the way. I can't tell for sure, but I feel it in my bones. If that's a thing! Hah. Steemit has a lovely community, I'm not too worried about the price if I'm honest, crypto is a funny old world. One day you have pennies, the next you have millions. I can't see it going back to the good price it once was, but I think we'll see much better days in the future.

Well, I initially started Project Positivity as a community venture. I like to gather a group of people together and see where it takes us. People haven't been very inspired to take us into new avenues, so I guess the onus will be with me. I'm hoping my wife to be better at the end of this month tops, so perhaps I can dedicate a lot more time in surging us forward. One thing I want to do is have a weekly podcast for Project Positivty, and I also want to inspire members at a later date to take to youtube and vlog. How I'm going to achieve this I'm unsure - but it will come to me!

Thanks @lifeisawesome for having a chat with this weekend’s SteemMag.. Looking forward to more inspiring updates from you guys.

This Week On Steemit

A lot of interesting events happened this week. And in case you missed them, we’ve got your back. Here are some of the most important events that happened on Steemit this week.

@steemitblog outlines a number of proposals aimed at bettering the Steem Economy.

Steem maintains last week’s position on the coinmarketcap.com’s crypto market capitalization list as 9th.

@amcq announces winners of the first ever Steemit Halloween Competition.

@good-karma released an exclusive SteemFest mobile app.

For a comprehensive list of dedicated Steem apps. check out SteemTools.com

Meanwhile, SBD drops from last week’s rates ranging from 1 SD = 0.82 -0.94 this week

~$0.09 and $0.27 were the lowest and highest value traded this week for a unit of Steem respectively.

Steemfest CountDown

6 days to go

Are you going? Got any questions? Head over #steemfest channel or contact @roelandp on steemit.chat

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