SteemMag – Steemit’s Weekend Digest (‘Steem is 12’ SPECIAL EDITION) #29: The Journey so far - Exclusive Chats With Top Steem Authors, This Week on Steemit…….. and lots more

I’m ecstatic. And it is with great delight I welcome you to a very special edition of SteemMag, (the twenty-ninthth edition), a weekend digest for Steemians.

Every week, I take a look at some of the most important/trending topics and have a chat with top Steemians who have expert views on such topics.

In case you missed it, here are links to Issue #1 , #2 , #3 , #4 , 5 , #6, #7 , #8, #9, #10, #11, #12 , #13, #14, #15, 16,#17, #18 , #19 , 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, #26 , #27 and #28

This week is very special. It marks the first anniversary of Steem when the first block was mined.

In page 1, SteemMag had a chat with @liberosist, one of the founding curie members, an amazing curator and writer.

I also had a chat with @lordvader. One of my favorite writers on Steemit. His success is a pointer to how dominating a niche can be fulfilling and rewarding. It is why niche communities can be an amazing feature on Steem when implemented.

In page 2, I had a chat with @ericvancewalton, one of the highest ranking Steem Authors ever. Having joined in July, it was nice to have a chat with someone who has witnessed the highs and lows of Steem.

A Chat With @liberosist

SteemMag: Its been 12 months of Steem and 11 months of Steemit. You've been here long enough to witness the highs and the lows. What has been your impression so far?

It's been an interesting experience to see how a community is built from scratch. I was 3 months late though, but early enough. I would say there haven't been many surprises, things have gone along pretty much as expected.

SM: You also helped run @curie witness, what has been your major take away from Steemit mining and witnessing system?

There was a learning curve in understanding the Steem network and getting the bots and scripts up and running for Curie, but together with @kevinwong and help from our developers we were eventually able to figure it out. The witnessing system was surprisingly simple, even for us non-developers. Of course, low-ranked witnesses like us have minimal responsibility and need not get involved with politics, so that makes it easier.

SM:Do you think Steem(it) has the chance to overcome its growing pains and become the next big social media site?

No, it's never going to surpass Facebook, but if the system can be greatly simplified it has every chance to carve a significant niche of several million users for itself. If the system is made more accessible, a hundred million users, even; though unlikely in its current form.

The next big social media site will have to focus on instant gratification, extreme simplicity, a multi-billion dollar marketing campaign behind it and most importantly, an intelligent, centralized AI system organising content within it.

SM: Where do you see Steemit in the next 12 months?

I hope to see the Communities feature arrive soon - it'll make a world of difference. I can see communities with thousands of active users start forming for general topics like movies, games, politics etc.

There will also be several niche communities with crypto, conspiracy theories, anarchism etc, which I'll happily stay away from. I'm also looking forward to communities that focus on short-form content, link shares etc. These might become very popular. Finally, I would like to see a micro-blogging extension (focusing on visual media just as much) to Steem - that's where the future is headed.

It’s always nice having a chat with you. Thanks so much for having a chat with SteemMag.

A Chat With @lordvader

SteemMag: You've been on Steemit for almost a year now. How did you learn about Steemit?

For quite some time, the Empire has been monitoring your system as a possible acquisition. We realize we will need to travel through not only space but also time in order to make this happen... but we are the Empire and I am involved so we can do pretty much anything we want (except cover a freaking 2 meter wide exhaust port!)

While we were monitoring your system, we intercepted this transmission:

Around this time, thanks to repeated attacks by those scumbag rebels, the Empire began to run short of funds. I was also growing more and more angry with my boss and underlings every day. It was becoming difficult to contain this rage. My executive assistant Vera, who is the greatest thing since sliced Ewok, suggested that I try expressing my rage through the creation of transmissions. If I were going to be creating these transmissions, it was only logical to kill two Mynocks with one stone. On steemit, I am able to relieve some of my fury while generating much needed funds for the Empire.

SM: What inspired you to take on the "lordvader" character? Do you think niche blogging, like that of yours, can be replicated by others?

No one is "inspired" to become "The Chosen One". I was simply born "The Chosen One". The Force had to choose someone. It only makes sense that The Force would choose the bravest, most handsome, most intelligent, and most eloquent person who also happens to be the best negotiator and greatest natural leader of all time. So if you are asking what inspires me to be awesome, I would have to say my sheer awesomeness inspires me to be awesome.

Can my transmissions be replicated by others? Of course they cannot be "replicated". My talent is often imitated but never duplicated. Does that mean that other powerful figures cannot find a place on steemit? Of course not. Most people do not know this, but it can be very lonely at the top. I would truly enjoy interacting with other powerful beings from the numerous galaxies.

For example, I have heard very interesting things about famous inhabitants of your system such as Count Dracula, Santa Claus, Captain Kirk, Cthulhu, Voldemort, and Charro. I'm sure many humans would enjoy hearing about their daily lives. Perhaps we could form a group to help support each other through the challenges involved with being so awesome.

SteemMag: What do you think about the inhabitants of Steem and Steemland generally?

I have observed your planet for some time. It is clearly very primitive. At this point, it seems that the Empire could benefit most by a complete repopulation of your planet (possibly by delicious Ewoks). We had planned to invade 180 days ago. The interactions with the inhabitants of steemit have caused me to delay the destruction of your system's population.

It seems that some of your inhabitants can bring value to the Empire after all. Some of the inhabitants such as @thecryptofiend, @papa-pepper, and @dwinblood have shown special promise. I am also keeping my eye on a few others who have begun to respond to my transmissions more regularly. I am keeping their identities a secret because I may need to use them as spies in the near future. But they know who they are.

In addition to loyal followers, I have found that steemit is filled with many creative and interesting transmissions. When I have had to report to my idiot boss about your planet's culture, I often use the art, music, photography, poetry and writing that is available on this platform. It is an excellent representation of what your species can create. Surprisingly, I find that it has tremendous value and is an excellent illustration of your cultural accomplishments.

SM: Your advice to Steemians in general?

Bow down to me and The Galactic Empire.... or else. Also, keep creating valuable transmissions on steemit. Right now, this platform is the only thing delaying a visit from our new Death Star.

Haha. Lol. It was so exciting having a chat with you @lordvader. Thanks for blessing us with your amazing humor. It was a pleasure having a chat with you for SteemMag.

See you page 2 for more interesting chats and features
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P.S What is your opinion on the upcoming HF 17? Which niche community would you most likely participate in? Who would you like to see in next editions of SteemMag? I would love to hear from you!

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