So... we have a $10k market day in Steem Monsters land and I maxed leveled all my commons finally

Thanks to one Mr. @haejin we were able to pull off a $10k market transaction day. Gold foil legendaries sold between $1-2k today. He's still in the market for a Selenia Sky from what I can tell. There's a few thousand dollars waiting for someone there that has it. Sorry bud, mine isn't for sale!

Max Level Common Foils

I also max leveled all my cards. I had all but three commons maxed. As it turns out it's the three that people were hoarding, but @positive-trail hooked me up. Bought 50 commons of every type for 60 sbd and did that twice. I'm confidant that by years end we'll have a card delegation model so that investors can rent out cards to players. So, I'm stacking up on cards and looking forward to playing some and renting out a ton.

Turns out that right now there's only enough common cards in the game for 138 people to have maxed decks when the game starts. Considering there are around 2000 people playing chances are you won't have enough. Might want to figure that out before we release stats and fighting...

Brushing my gold shoulders off

So, maxxing my common foil cards is now on top of having every gold card in the game.

It hurts my eyes to see that much shiny legendary gold in one spot...

A few days ago I could have thought about maxing out all but the gold legendaries... now I think that's out of reach. Gonna have to grind it out methinks.

Looking for reps

Anyway, Steem Monsters is cruising along. I'm open to some higher rep Asia based people that would like to talk to their peers about this game. we could use someone that speaks Korean, Japanese, and Chinese (can be three people). If you're interested and would like a gig where we give you packs to hand out to new players then hit me up in Discord. Pay is weak but the work is fun and you get mega cool points with everyone. You're like the drug dealer handing out free drugs!

Game Jam

We have our game jam starting on Saturday. I'm hoping for some pretty cool stuff. We'll see what you all create. If you're a game creator please check out


Sneaky Contest

Finishing my whole deck feels like a big deal to me. Type "Monster Maverick" in the comments below and upvote and resteem this post. You're in a drawing for 100 booster packs on me (from aggroed money, not steemmonsters money).

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