Steem Monsters Fantasy Story Contest! - Week 2 | The Crustacean King's Armor!

The King's armor? A gift from the sea? Whoever carries it, will be the King of the Country of the Crustaceans.

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King Crustacean is a Common card whose Element is Water.

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The Crustacean King's Armor!

"In the land of crustaceans, it is said from time immemorial, that the sea gave this country, a beautiful and strong armor, so that it would choose who would be its new King, besides giving it a great strength as the fury of the seas

The king's armor chose a possessor who had good feelings, with a noble heart and a great spirit. But, if someone ever tried to put it on and did not have these requirements ... the armor would absorb all his life, disintegrating it and robbing it of strength, to increase his and grant it to the Chosen One. "

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ALL OF THE COUNTRY OF THE CRUSTACEANS were surprised when they heard that their King had died in The Deep Water , at the hands of his brother the Tyrant Crustacean, Hand of Ax. Known for gutting his enemies with his huge arm.

He had always wanted to govern the entire Country of the Crustaceans , because he said that in order to control such a great country, a strong hand was needed. But his brother, who until recently was the King Crustacean , was against that perspective, because to make a country, you only need love and discipline, but not violence.
This war had been unleashed for many, many years and for so long the Tyrant Crustacean, Hand of Ax, had not emerged victor ... but neither accepted the fact of surrendering.

He battled and fought until he was able to defeat King Crustacean.

Now, after beating his brother to death, he was pleased to see the King's armor with great joy in front of his hands. I did not know what to do, when to use it, or when to try it ... I was happy but, could I put up with such power?

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The Crustacean Queen of Seaweed, had assembled a group of brave warriors who had chosen to fight with the Tyrannus Crustacean Ax Hand and be able to wrest the King's armor from him, and bring it back to the Country of the Crustaceans , where should I be, in order to crown the next king, that I should be his only son Crustacean Sword of the Sierra.

These warriors were made up of Crustaceans trained for many years in the depth of the sea, made to defend the country in case of emergency or for extreme situations like the current one.

And there was the Common Crustacean , one of the warriors that would fight the Crustacean Tyrant, Hand of Ax. The Common Crustacean was born when there was still the constant war between the two brothers, and since then he greatly admired his previous King and for that respect he decided to form someday to give back what he has been doing for his country, this was his chance.

The next morning, the common Crustacean went out to sea with thousands of warriors, to venture to the place where the crusty tyrant was waiting. All started the march swearing with life to the Queen, who would bring the Armor of the King, possessing magical powers

The Common Crustacean was between the eyebrows and had to give everything. When they already had a long way traveled, a distant voice called him ... It was a mysterious voice, he had never heard it before.

"Come!" I said: "Come, I'm here"

So much was the insistence of that voice, that persecuted and persecuted until, without knowing how, came back to his country ... He thought of returning with his warrior friends, they went to war and were in critical situation, when he heard in a certain place nearby a huge explosion.

In the distance was a group of warriors as big as the one that has just left, and among them was the Tyrant Crustacean, Hand of Ax on an oyster carriage. It was a trap, I wanted to evict everything to be able to invade more quickly. The Common Crustacean was so impressed that he did not know whether to call his friends back or go against the tyrant.

"Come! Save me please. It's you " the voice in his mind said.

I did not know whose voice it was, but decided to go against the Tyrant Crustacean . Meanwhile, his warriors lashed the country, destroyed houses and destroyed everything they saw. The Tyrannosaurus Crustacea finally found the Crustacean Common and had a fight to the death, did not interfere with any of their soldiers because they said that in less than a few minutes the Common Crustacean would be finished. And it was like that, he spent only a few minutes and was so hurt that he could barely move ...

He glimpsed a glow in the oyster carriage and knew that the voice came from inside. He swam to look for her, he did not know what it was, they called him with a lot of impetus and when he could get there, it was the Armor of the King who was inside. They all threw themselves in front of him to prevent him from stealing her. The common crustacean took it quickly and swam as much as he could, grabbed forces he no longer had and swam without looking back.

But because of his injuries he was soon cornered and the crusty tyrant was so upset that he raised his big ax hand to give it his last blow. And it was there when the common crustacean heard the voice of the armor again.

Use me!

With that fear of knowing the incredible power of the armor, but with the courage to overcome and finish everything, he took the necessary strength to put it on. He wore the armor and glowed for a short time, necessary to leave more than one blinded. When the light subsided, the common crustacean was wearing the armor. He looked much stronger, imposing and a fierce look like any sea monster.

The tyrant Crustacean was so angry that he rushed at him, it could not be that he used it as if nothing, when he had spent 2 whole days thinking if he should consult his power, for fear that it absorbed . The common crustacean defeated him with a powerful blow to the face, the other warriors wanted to intervene, but at that moment, he heard a war cry.

They were the warriors of the Country of the Crustaceans who had returned, they could come and go and know that it was a trap, thanks to Common Crustacean that managed to recover time, they could not destroy all. The warriors of the Crustacean Tyrant fled in terror when they saw that they no longer counted on their leader, but the new Crustacean King used his force and was able to open a hole in the sea sand that swallowed half enemy army.

Now the land of crustaceans had a new King, and it was Common Crustacean. Because he who wears the armor, is he who will be the King ...

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Short version:

"It is said that the King Crustacean armor is magical and was a gift from the sea for its constant work. He who carries it, is worthy of incredible power and will be called King of the Crustacean."

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I authorize @steemmonsters to use and/or modify the written story to their liking.

The contest link can be found HERE!


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