King of Atlantis _Crab (The Crustacean King)

Atlantis, home of a very large and diverse taxon of creatures called crustaceans, was ruled by one mighty and powerful King. Many had come before him and many left footprints on the sands of time. Legacies were bestowed upon Atlantis, the land along the oceans. Crab was fearless in authority and his intentions, no one could ever tell. Deciphering what he had in mind is just as opening the Pandora's box; it comes with numerous mysteries. Crab had an impressive sense of control and like a gladiator he was an undeniable protector of his very own government, which was of the people, by the people and for the people. To be told, it was quite uncommon how he reigned in the Crustacean Kingdom. He needed no help from any soul to reign, some would say he was self-sufficient. He was a king, an adviser, a guardian, and an all-in-one King. Crab was loved by many but hated by few who suggests he's unpredictable attitude was incomprehensible. It could be that the minority were quite uncomfortable with his ways. Crab was a role-model for many but he lost his reputation as he was hungry for more power and even eternal life as time went on.

Although, Crab was known to be the most powerful and wealthy person in all of Atlantis, his search of more power and wealth was unending. The earth revolved many times and seasons came and went as he had in-depth thoughts on how to have unvanquishable power and immortality. Men of great strength who were loyal to the throne were sent to great nations and virgin lands in search of the one thing that unleashes the strongest feel of power - elixir of life. The king wanted something beyond being king. Crab wanted to be a god of the universe. Day after day, Crab waited in absolute eagerness and kept his fantasies alive and was expectant of good news from his men. A constant dream was placed on him like a curse. After the long wait, his army returned. Full of excitement and satisfaction, he wore the best rope in his closet and with a verve royale, he majestically walked into the throne room. The horses galloped, the chariots swang, the leashes flapped and the whips lashed the horses back. The soldiers marched and paraded in the throne room. The crustacean king with an enthusiastic smile paused as he keenly observed and realized the lukewarm expressions his soldiers expressed. His eyebrows merged,
"what's the matter?", he muttered.
There was a plaque of silence in the room.
"I'm speaking words into those lug holes of yours, answer me".
The commander of the army, Cyclop fell out upon seeing the king rant in an enraged temper.
"Your majesty... we are sorry but..." the commander was filled with fear.
"No but's Cyclop or you're all dead men" the king interfered.
Cyclop had his heart in his mouth. It was obvious to even the dumbest man in the whole of Atlantis that the elixir of life was out of their grasp. With one breath, Cyclop rattled out his words,
"Your majesty, the elixir of llll-ife is concealed in no virgin land or nation beyond our bay the one place only the wise, brave and rangy can go."
"It', wonderland, sir".
"It's far too dangerous my king, so my men and i retreated". Cyclop muttered.
"Where's this wonderland you speak of?" Crab asked.
"It lies beyond this ocean (with his army pointed south-east) and deserts across the hills and valleys my king, beyond the mountains of terror and rains, far within the heart of Nania" Cyclop answered.
Whispers started flying from end to end of the room and everyone wondered what Crab would decide. He stood from his throne
"Silence (raising his arm). My dream of having immortal life cannot be a mere phantom. Prepare my armor and horse. I'll set sail and visit this wonderland you speak of in two moons."
" Stupid soldiers, get out of sight", crab shouted.

The king, again, was a man who was never satisfied with the taxes payed by the crustaceans, like Oliver Twist, he always asked for more. Most workers in this kingdom were typically employed in agriculture or in small, informal enterprises. As they were seldom paid a regular, fixed wage, their earnings fluctuate, and many were paid in cash, "off the books." It was difficult to meet up the amount allocated to each citizen to settle. Crabs cravings for power and more wealth landed Atlantis in massive chaos. He called for disorder in his government. He rebelled against other kingdoms and his peoples interest in order to attain his desires. The many that loved him now became his foe and with just a few that supported him. No one could stop him.
“Now I rule without being questioned”, said the King.
“…I must embark on a journey to wonderland in search of the elixir of life.”, he continued with a deep voice and laughed.

Even though Atlantis was in massive chaos, but it appeared to be the least of his worries. The king's intention of combining absolute power and immortality with the elixir of life would indeed make him unbeatable. Without hesitations he set off with a law that lobster, one of his followers among the minority, should be the acting king. Lobster was no different from Crab. This made him more suitable for the job.

Wonderland was a heavily wooded city which was many miles away from Atlantis across the Pacific Ocean. This was a place for no visitors. Visitors on sight were killed or imprisoned for questioning. This was the only way of keeping their treasure, the elixir of life, safe from invaders. The city’s security and defense systems were impenetrable.
Albeit, the mischievous king of Atlantis was all aware of the nitty-gritty of Wonderland, he was more confident that he’s unstoppable wherever he finds himself. “Once a king, always a king” as he always says. Astonishingly, he’s first encounter with the wonderlees was epic. All by himself, thousands of soldiers were slayed but the treasure was beyond his grasp. His confidence grew much more and acts of carelessness set in. Since all knowledge cannot reside in a vessel, crab’s second plan of another encounter was a failure. On a battle field, it was difficult for the soldiers of wonderland to defeat him but as one’s strength cannot linger on during a wrath against thousands; he was brought down. Luckily enough, he was imprisoned and not killed. He was tortured almost all day as a punishment for his villainy acts. Crab faced challenges of coping with the new episode of his life. Barely was he given any food or a spicy dish as the ones he used to enjoy in his kingdom. Life became hard for him. He grew much weaker and weaker and pleaded for mercy.
“Mercy, mercy, mercy!” he begged
“…I wish I could return to my people and pay you for all your losses, Queen of Wonderland”, he continued but wishes are not horses.
Twenty-years passed by and all that he said to himself in agony was, “I regret my shameful deeds and greediness”. Crab turned over a new leaf. His hunger for power and immortality faded away. He continued to serve as a slave for the Queen of Wonderland. Long live the Queen.
Until now, no one knows what happened to Atlantis. It could be that lobster was overthrown and killed. He was not as strong and fierce on the battleground as Crab.
The End!!!!!!!!!!!!


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This piece is an entry for the contest here: @steemmonsters/steem-monsters-common-card-fantasy-story-contest-week-2-10-booster-pack-prize-pool

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