Tales of the Splinterlands: Death comes to us all...

A little story around a battle during one of my last daily quests for the SHARE YOUR BATTLE contest.

Death comes to us all...

There are many battles in the Splinterlands. You could say battles are at the core of it. There as many types of battles as there are teams that fight. Every league has its own rules, written and unwritten. But the Number One rule is: Death comes to us all.

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The Haunted Spirit, that heals itself after every round of the battle, hears these words with every bit of energy it regains.

The Spineback Wolf hears them said in every rustle of the spines on its back.

To the Screaming Banshee these words come as an echo to each of its screams.

The Creeping Ooze carries the truth of this rule in itself - the remnants of those that fell in the battles of yesteryear.

The Animated Corpse incarnated these words, each of its movements a reference to Death.

The Skeleton Assassin shows its adversaries what they might fall victim to in every bone of its skeletal body.

But they don't care. They don't care because they are warriors, because they know that Death is always only one strike away, because they feel that Death isn't the end.

Because Death is everywhere and everything and Death comes to us all...

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