Hey all,
I don't know about you guys, but I find myself constantly flipping back and forth between posts, the Steem Monsters Official website, and PeakMonsters, trying to find out exactly what each monster can do, and what their combat stats and abilities mean.
Here's the official post made by @steemmonsters about the gameplay mechanics, combat stats and abilities:
If you're like me, you probably hate having to search back and forth. So I've taken some time to create a little cheat sheet of sorts, and thought I'd share it with the community.
Hopefully it's something that you've all been looking for and if you like it, why not let others know? 😃
Cheat Sheet - Part 1
Cheat Sheet - Part 2
Lastly, when combining monster cards, it's always useful to plan ahead and to know what you may be looking to purchase, or reveal in booster packs. To that end, this handy-dandy chart (by @calumam) has been circulating and does the job quite well!
Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope it helps, cheers,