Thorns vs. Thorns: Show Your Battle Contest


The Splinterlands team has started a new initiative and its called Show Your Battle Contest. Every week the team picks a theme and asks us Monster Manaics to showcase some battles that are in line with that theme. This weeks theme is .......


My last two entries in this new initiative have been some fan fiction that showed some humor. The first was called, My Chicken Will Be Victorious! and my second, The Cocky COCATRICE. This week I decided to go a different route ....

When deciding on what Splinterlands Monster to use to showcase the thorns ability it hit me, My favorite Splinter always has been Death and it so happens that the death splinter has a tHorny Wolf in its collection. So with my monster picked it was time to decide how do I showcase its tHorny Skill set.

Instead of tossing him in a regular battle I decided to put him up against a similar card called the Spineback Turtle to see who wins a heads up match.

Now there's some key differences in these two cards and one of the major ones was the Spineback Wolf doesn't get thorns until level 5 but the Spineback Turtle gets them at level 4 so right away the advantage goes to Spineback Wolf as it would be one level higher in battle.

The second thing of note is the Spineback wolf also has the reach ability but that would play no part in the upcoming 1 vs. 1 battle as there is no other monsters to reach over to land a strike.

Both The Spineback Wolf and Spineback Turtle are common cards. (As already noted) The Wolf is part of the Death Splinter and Turtle apart of the water Splinter. The battle took place at even playing field (No stat buffs from summoners and no other abilities beside thorns came into play in the battle). Each card was leveled to the point of attaining thorns and no further.

Spineback Wolf vs. Spineback Turtle

Defeated ....

Spineback Turtle (Water Splinter) easily defeated the Spineback Wolf (Death Splinter). The extra level it took Spineback Wolf to get thorns made little difference. One vs. One the Turtle is easily the better monsters. Its 7 health and +3 armor outmatched the Wolfs 4 Health and 1 Armor by a ton. The two advantages the Wolf had was speed and a +2 attack vs. the +1 attack the Turtle had but it did him little good vs a monster that had almost double the health/shield abilities than itself possessed.

Steem-Engine Tokens: Rent's Recommendations!
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What is Splinterlands?

Splinterlands (also known as Steemmonsters) is a digital card game created by @aggroed and @yabapmatt. Early game release has launched and prizes are already up for grabs. Some of the cards in this game have already sold for upwards of $3000. You can check out Steem-Monsters by clicking here.

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