Champion 3 in my first week of playing? YES! Thanks to rented cards.

Hello everyone!

Welcome to my first post here on steemit. Lets get right into it!

I found out about Steemmonsters a bit more than a week ago, basicly by accident, becouse I saw the campaign for the upcoming expansion  "Untamed" on kickstarter.

When I started I made it really fast into silver 3 with mostly basic cards. Some nice people of the official discord gave me some commons not included in the starter set.

I got pretty addicted to the game, and decided to buy some cards, first I spent around 20$, spliting it between all of the splinters, which allowed me to get to Silver 1, after a few more days I dropped another 50$ and again split the money between all the splinters to get all the summoners to lvl 3 and got fitting cards. That allowed me to get to nearly gold 3.

In highsight splitting between all splinters is NOT the way to go, if you want to play on a budget. Rather split it between 2 at most 3 splinters.

At this point I got in contact with a member of the discord, and played one of his accounts for him, it was in diamond 3. From that account I learned what kinda cards are good and used in the higher leagues, I played that account to champion 3, thats when I decided to do the same with my own account.


The biggest barrier for getting into higher leagues are card levels, strategy, skill and some luck can make you win some matchups, but if you only have lvl 1 or lvl 2 cards you will never get too far. That is just a fact.

Okay, so we need cards, lets buy them okay? Well, no. Lets not.

Heres just an example. If you want a maxed out  "Jarlax the Undead" (death summoner), you would need to pay more than 50$ for him. And then you need max lvl cards aswell.

So unless you dont want or cant invest in the game, to resell later, buying is off the table.

Okay, okay okay, I can see you already scrolling past all this text to see the thing about renting... so here we go!

I decided to deposit 25$ worth of steem into peakmonsters and then rent some cards.

I rented a total of around 35ish cards, for around 12$ for all cards, over a duration of 14 days. When I rented them, the current league was going for 5 days, which meant I would be able to use the cards in two different seasons (highly reccommended) thats also 14 daily rewards.

  • 14 Daily reward cards (Diamond 1) x 14 = 196 reward cards in total or
  • 16 daily reward cards (Champion 3) x 14 = 224 Reward cards total
  • 6o (Diamond 1)Season End reward cards x 2 = 120 Cards after 14 days or
  • 80 (Champion 3)Season End reward cards x 2 = 160 Cards after 14 days

Of course these numbers can be bigger if you invest more time to reach champion 2. I dont think I could reach Champion 1 with my current leased cards. I decided to stop at champion three and just do the daily quest for know, since the difference in rankpoints is 500 between Champion 3 and 2.

Heres a list of the cards I decided to rent.

Green/Earth Cards (only lvl 5 becouse I got the earth quest)


Blue/Water Cards (lvl 6 summoner and cards) - In the beginning I only rented earth and water cards to get to Gold 1, thats why I only took a lvl 6 summoner.


Black/Death Cards - These are mostly maxed out, some I couldnt find on max level, or they where too expensive


Purple/Dragon Cards - These are super important and strong in certain match-ups!


Neutral Cards - Basicly just Lord Arianthus (hesopsloldont@me) and a golden chicken for bonus DEC rate


With these cards I made it from Gold 3 to Diamond 1 in a day, it took a few hours.

The next day I played some more and pushed into Champion 3, which was the goal.

Quick Facts:

  • Total USD used: 12$
  • Cards rented for 14 day
  • Total cards rented: around 35
  • Around 6$ already earned back from 2 daily quests (one gold foil rare and a normal foil Ruler of seas)
  • MVP #1 Lord Arianthus
  • MVP #2 Golden Chicken
  • MVP #3 Skeleton Assasin
  • MVP #4 Selenia Sky (Having access to the dragon splinter for 3 mana is really strong, and it even gives you +1 for ranged monsters!)
  • MVP #5 YOU, the reader of this post <3

Afterword: I would say Im a pretty skilled player, and playing on the diamond league account of the other person, as mentioned above, gave me good insight in which cards to rent. I also played alot of other card games, heres just a few:

  • Hearthstone
  • Yu-Gi-Oh
  • Pokemon
  • Gwent
  • Elder Scrolls


Wait, whats this?! You are still here?

Okay, fine, time for a bonus round! Here we go!!!! Since this worked out so good for me, I decided to do the same for a completly new account. So I bought a new account (10$) and the rented 11$ worth of cards for it aswell.

Here are the cards of my second account @taichou real fast.

That account is currently in Diamond 2, I basicly won 95% 0f the games from novice - Gold 3, then my winrate droped to around 80%. Now in Diamond its again a bit lower. I will try to push this account into Champion 3 aswell before the season ends.

So far I did two quests for this account, got around 2$ worth of cards, so I need to get another 19$ worth of cards in the next 12 days to get even.








Yes okay. Bonus round T-W-O

Or rather, it is your time to decide if you would like another bonus round! Comment below if you would like to see a lifestream of me making a new account, renting cards, and then getting from Novice to Diamond again :)

Thanks to everyone who read all of my posts, youre all cuties! :)

TL;DR - rented cards for 11$, got to champion 3

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