Steem Monsters Common Card Fantasy Story Contest!
This is my entry for the Steem Monsters Common Card Fantasy Story Contest! // Week 7, hosted by @steemmonsters.
Th' Pirate Captain 'n th' Queen o' th' Mermaids
Avast ye and listen t' wha' I 'ave t' say! Aye, th' tale I must tell be a bit on th' gloomy side, but it depends on who ye be natterin' t' fer th' truth. This booty I 'ave gathered 'n set on me ship be all but real. Sure, it looks real enough, but that be th' problem wit' ghost gold ye see, looks can be deceivin'.
I consider meself an experienced pirate as I sailed th' high seas wit' th' best o' crews. Under th' command o' th' Captain Ferellas th' Killer Jones I did crew 'n fer many moons I pillaged t' me hearts content. Many times, Iâve escaped th' hempen halter 'n many more times I was sure Iâ find th' invitation t' hang. But th' galleys wouldnât commandeer me neck fer I needs it t' lift me greedy, good fer naught head.
Th' Naga Raid be me glory as I sliced thar scaly necks 'n bled them dry by th' light o' th' moons. Aft that day they called Me Captain Tilton Solis 'n th' crew jus' called me “Blood Salt”. I commanded me ship wit' a firm hand 'n would force any traitors t' walk th' plank. I donât loot t' no hornswagglin's 'n I loot th' most o' th' booty savy?
I would leave th' shores o' Utangard wit' a monthâs worth o' supplies on board me owns ship Th' Drownin' Minnow 'n me crew 'n I would stop every vessel that dared t' board th' port at night. Durin' th' day weâd sail out into th' vast sea 'n wait fer an unsuspectin' ship t' cross our path. Soon me Jolly Roger was a notable threat, 'n many choose t' avoid our lootin' at all costs.
'twas durin' one o' these month-long journeys that I came upon me ghost gold. As me 'n me buccaneers were headin' back t' th' city o' Cyreus t' refuel on hardtack kelpcake 'n seaweed ale me eye spotted an unmarked island. 'twas a known fact that durin' th' Neam Tide th' waters lowered, 'n 'cause o' this tide th' island must 'ave emerged.
“Blimey!” I said 'n then set down me bowl o' bone soup.
I grabbed me spyglass 'n strained t' see th' wee rocks that formed th' hidden land. I informed th' crew o' me discovery, but they were nah as excited as I was t' find wha' I would soon know as th' black spotted Cave o' th' Moon Tide. Th' pirates were weary from th' long voyage 'n looked fore t' rest from th' sea life.
As much as I wanted t' stop 'n explore th' new island, I knew me crew needed t' refresh themselves 'n I meself could use th' rest too. I decided me best decision would be t' mark th' new land mass on me map 'n return aft th' tide returned t' normal. This way me crew would be fresh 'n rejuvenated thanks t' th' wenches in th' local strumpet houses.
I commanded th' crew t' head toward th' lowered docks o' Utangard. 'twould loot yet another two days t' arrive at th' port. I figured these scallywags served me well 'n I didn' see any cause t' brin' them more work. I didn’t wants t' be known as th' cap'n who was marooned on a sinkin' island fer naught more than denyin' his scallywags th' comforts o' galleon every 40 days.
“Captain th' ship be headed in th' wrong direction.”
“Wha' do ye mean? I commanded ye t' head West.”
“I know that. But th' ship be headin' East.”
“So, turn it th' other way. Why are ye botherin' me wit' these vile details lad?”
“Only 'cause we 'ave tried Captain. We 'ave been tryin' fer th' past three hours t' change course.”
“I donât understand. Wha' are ye sayin'?”
“Iâm sayin' Captain Solis; th' oceanâs current be pullin' us in a different direction. Itâs as if th' wind 'n th' sea are both pullin' us toward that island.”
As I was tryin' t' comprehend th' lad’s explanation a great wave of water rose on th' starb'rd side o' th' Drownin' Minnow. I shouted fer th' scallywags t' loot cover, but we hardly had any time t' react t' th' massive force o' th' movin' current as it crashed onto th' shipâs deck. I ducked down 'n covered me head, tryin' t' protect meself th' best I could.
When I looked up I could see th' creatures that had voyaged along th' wave onto th' deck o' th' ship.
“Mermaids!” I shouted 'n scuttled me gun from me waist. “Kill them all afore they loot th' ship!” I hollered.
Wit' me revolver in one hand 'n a cutlass in th' other I gave one o' th' mermaids a crooked black-toothed grin. They didn’t call me Blood Salt fer no reason, 'n I was goin' t' blend that mermaidâs blood wit' salt o' th' sea she flipped in so frantically. “Ye black spot be revoked, 'n I give ye me owns. I follow no mermaid kind t' th' bottom o' th' sea.”
Th' mermaid hissed 'n showed her sharpened fangs. I swear I could see th' rottin' flesh o' outdone, black spotted pirates hangin' from her incisors. She stared me straight in th' eyes as her bosom heaved wit' riled breath 'n she swayed from left t' right. I dodged her attack swiftly 'n she hissed wit’ wrath. Me persistent smile only seemed t' enrage her more.
Behind me I could hear fightin' 'n th' screams o' both mermaids 'n scallywags. Thar was no doubt in me mind this had been a set up by th' mermaid Queen Undina. From th' corner o' me eye I saw a mermaid grab one o' me crew by his waist, throw 'im o'er her shoulder 'n then dove wit' 'im off th' side o' th' ship.
'twas a pirate’s fate t' be drown by mermaids, but I refused fer it t' be mine.
I waited fer perfect moment t' strike 'n as th' mermaid raised her hands in th' air I sunk me steel cutlass into her heart. Th' mermaid riled in pain 'n th' others were shocked by her cry. 'twas me guess this mermaid was th' leader o' them all. I raised me gun 'n then shot her right between her eyes t' silence her piercin' scream.
Th' other mermaids gasped wit' shock 'n then retreated from th' fight, divin' from each side o' th' ship t' escape. I held me breath fer a moment 'n then got me wits about me. Those mermaids were defendin' th' island 'n thar had t' be a reason fer it. Th' scallywags helped th' survivin' crew back on board th' ship 'n I command them t' search th' island.
Wha' we found was a cave full o' loot o' th' likes I had ne'er seen in all years as a pirate. Th' Cave o' th' Moon Tide held th' stolen trinkets o' many a poor sailor, 'n many a rich pirate. Tales o' this cave were told among pirate crews, but I had always thought th' tales t' be false rumors o' those who feared th' mermaids.
But th' tales were true, 'n I was thar t' see th' massive loot those sea bastards wit' tales had stolen o'er centuries o' pillagin'. I really thought I was a good thief 'til that dayâ.
Knowin' th' mermaids were bound t' be back soon, I commanded me crew t' carry as much o' th' loot as possible afore th' fallin' o' th' sun. When we filled th' haul o' th' ship wit' th' doubloons, jewels 'n trinkets we headed back t' th' land without any more resistance.
On th' way back t' shore I thought about th' many thin's I would do wit' me portion o' th' doubloons. I had always wanted a ship o' me owns on th' land. I thought about possibly retirin' from th' pirate life 'n findin' meself a beauty t' spoil. Maybe one day I would even 'ave a sprog I knew was mine, one I could raise, 'n watch grow.
Th' booty was unexpected, 'n th' crew was natterin' about th' same thin's, so I wasnât alone in me dream fer stability, although Iâd ne'er admit it t' any o' them. I ne'er wanted t' be a pirate, but as th' Captain o' a successful 'n cunnin' ship I would lead me crew by incitin' another raid as soon as our doubloons had been counted.
“We shall return time aft time 'til all th' booty be ours, or 'til every one o' those mermaids are dead!” I shouted.
They returned me enthusiasm wit' cheers 'n I ne'er noticed th' blackened cloud descendin' upon th' Drownin' Minnow.
“The wise men’s trinkets and life are gone, to fools it will never be solid. You shall never touch the spoils again and to Undina you will return what you have stolen.” An echoing voice whispered on the wind.
I looked around, ready t' fight th' mermaids again but thar was no threat t' be seen. I walked o'er t' th' pile o' gold doubloons on th' parlor table 'n grabbed fer them, but I couldnât pick them up. 'twas as if th' doubloons had been scuttled 'n only thar image remained t' taunt us. I smashed th' table 'n th' doubloons dropped t' th' floor teasin' me wit' th' chimes o' gold tokens.
“No!” I screamed. But thar was no reversin' th' curse o' th' mermaid queen.
Every scallywag on th' Drownin' Minnow attempted t' pick up th' loot, 'n each o' them failed miserably. Th' trip back t' town was one o' remorse 'n disappointment instead o' th' celebrative joy expressed earlier. When we returned t' Utangard we attempted t' scuttle th' loot, but no one could pick it up. Afore long th' Drownin' Minnow was a target fer pirate raids despite th' fact that th' loot could nah be handled.
Now I be lootin' this ship t' th' middle o' th' ocean 'n leavin' it thar. I 'ave scuttled anythin' o' value from th' Drownin' Minnow 'n today 'twill earn its name. I shall wait 'til dark 'n set blaze t' me ship 'n then watch it sink t' th' floor o' th' ocean. 'tis th' only way I can be rid o' this vile curse.
I know nah wha' I shall do now. I be but a Captain without a ship. But I do know that I shall ne'er again fight th' mermaids fer thar stolen loot 'n all o' me raidin' will be done among those who stand on two feet.
Be warned that th' sea has a mistress, 'n she be a crafty wench I tell ye.
Th' End
Thanks for reading!
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