Twisted Jester Fan Art

Steem Monsters

Many people have joined in and unwoken their inner nerd in the most exciting prospect of collecting digital cards.
As silly as that sounds I really love that the creators are using the blockchain for something unique and has captivated many users. Cryptokittes never really made me interested at all. This seems more familiar.

Spending some spare SBD in my account I managed to collect two legendary cards and a bunch of others, the Twisted Jester character caught my attention and wanted to try my own take on it! Typical jester with the Ace of spades and added a spear/staff for kicks.

Not a great drawing but its getting me sketching again!

Fan Art


Twisted Jester Card

The original card looks more of a feminine jester - but I wanted to try to make the character a tad more evil and less jokery.

Planning to do some more sketches and even some concepts :)
Thanks for looking (if you did) let me know what you think!

Please link in your own Steemmonsters fan art and I'll have a look!

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