Listen here you useless maggots... Seek and destroy!


I'm cutting this one close to the wire, but I'm sure I'll get this weeks SHARE YOUR BATTLE CHALLENGE in on time.

Every week the amazing curation team over at @splinterlands ask us to share a battle with a specific monster OR battle theme, for a chance to win tasty upvotes.


This week, @carrieallen has asked us to share a battle using those horrid little blighters "MAGGOTS"


Now "maggots" are NOT my first choice monster when assembling my fighting deck. I do love its opertunity buff, but there are similar monsters in my beck that offer me a stronger attack for the same mana.

Luckily for me, my Dailly Quest for yesterday was the DEATH splinter, so I was always on the look out to try and incorporate those maggots into my starting deck.


Then as if lady luck was shining down on me, an opponent crossed my path that gave me the opportunity to use maggots. Before every battle I look at the opponent to see what splinter/monsters they prefer and try to match my team to give me the best chance of winning.

First thing I noticed about @ladavesta was that he continually played the FIRE splinter, and only had lvl 1 monsters. This was the chance I was looking for to incorporate maggots into my starting lineup.


  • With a relatively high MANA I knew I could pick some hard hitting monsters.

  • The "silence summoner" battle rule meant I knew he wouldnt be able to maximise his FIRE splinter monsters.

  • With Melee mayhem, I knew he would come at me head on.

As predicted, he played the FIRE splinter and onky had lvl 1 monsters:

To watch this battle click HERE

Thankfully, his monsters just weren't up to the job and that gave me carte blanched to pick a random assortment of monsters to do battle.

Knowing "melee mayhem" was in play, I put my lvl 5 Spineback wolf in the tank position. Having good speed, I knew it would strike first, plus having "thorns" I knew all hits taken, would return +2 damage back.

In second position, my Death splinter staple - the Haunted Spirit. With "heal" and "reflect, its always handy to have it positioned here to repel any blast attack on your tank. Plus once the tank falls, it slots right in to that position and holds its own.

From this point on, my monster choice was all over the shop!! So this is where I added the maggots. I'm sure once I level this monster up, it would be very effective, but at lvl 1 it's pretty tame.

I put in my lvl 4 Hobgoblin, knowing his double strike would cause havoc.

For good measure I added my Jester and Octopider in the 4th and 5th position. Their +3 range attack came in handy and since "silenced summoners" was in play, the Octopiders DEMORALISE buff meant that all his Melee attack monsters would be reduced by -1 attack points.


So would I have changed anything.....

The truth is DEFINITELY YES. As I explained earlier, I only picked the monsters I did because I knew he had a weekend team (all lvl 1).

I definitely would NOT have included maggots or the range attack monsters.

Instead I'd probably add more muscle by including my lvl 3 "Chain Golem" and position this monster in the tank position:


And my lvl 6 "Goblin Mech":


Both these monsters would have added extra muscle. They both having "pierce" and would have meant thay if my opponent had not been a BOT, and probably had a monster with shield in tank position they could have dealt with that super quick.


So what do you think? Please understand these monsters were pick specifically for THIS battle and the monsters that were put in front of me.

What would be your DEATH splinter team of choice given these battle rule sets?


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