Make mine a "CLUB" sandwich! The @splinterlands, Weekly, Share Your Battle Challenge


Taking part in the @splinterlands SHARE YOUR BATTLE CHALLENGE is one of the blogs I look forward to writing the most.

You see, I love playing #steemmonsters / #splinterlands, so when presented with the opertunity to share a battle with a specific theme or involving a certain monster, I jump at the chance. You see, by sharing my thought process and fighting stratagies with you lot, I can get your input and improve my playing style, all whilst getting a very nice upvote from @steemmonsters.


As you may have seen, today's monster to be included in the battle is that "heavy handed", club swinging brute, the Pit Ogre:


He's a little bit slow, and a little bit clumsy, but given the right battle rule and he can slot in to anyone's starting line-up.


So when presented with either a "super sneak" attack or "melee mayhem" battle rule, this big brute is worth his weight in gold.

I've included the actual battle below:

Watch this massacre HERE

To start the line up I put my lvl 5 Pit Ogre in the tank position. Knowing the battle rule was "super sneak" I knew all he had to do was just hold his own 1-on-1 with the other tank as the majority of attacks would be aimed towards the rear.

When playing a sneak or mayhem battle I always try and include my Exploding Dwarf. If you can tuck him in the middle of your deck and get him to strike first, you're in with a good chance of winning the battle.

Coming in at only 2 Manna, the Kobold Miner packs a mighty punch for such a little card.

Follow that up with Creeping Ooze to slow down your opponents and then the sacrificial Furious Chicken on the end to take the first hit, for a low mana battle (17), that's quite a bit of fire power.


I was very happy with how this battle played out, and as is, I wouldn't change a monster.

Before submitting my team for battle, I was toying with having my lvl 4 Cerberus in the tank position instead of the Pit ogre. It does have 1 less melee attack but has the bonus of greater speed and "heal", which is a fantastic buff for being in the tank position.


This would have freed up an extra 2 Mana to be used on including my Cocatrice. This little monster is incredibly fast and would have helped to strike first and hopefully get on the front foot.


If I had made these changes then I actually would have had a better attacking stat:

Pit Ogre = +4 melee (+5 adding summoner buff)

Cerberus & Cocatrice = +3 & +1 (+6 with summoner buff)


Regardless of which line up I picked, the result was inevitable... A comfortable win!

So what would you have done with this line up? How would you have improved it? Was my monster selection and positioning up to it?

As always your input is always welcome, good or bad.


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