Snatching DEFEAT from the jaws of VICTORY...


So here you are again, welcome back. I bet you're here to read possibly the greatest @steemmonsters blog ever written.....? OK, probably NOT, but I'll give it a good go!!

The amazing team over at #splinterlands has once again asked us to share a battle. Once a week, the team reveals which ability or splinter they want us to use and then asks us to share with them a battle we've been involved in.

This weeks splinter is DEATH:


My main go-to guy when choosing this splinter is Zintar Mortalis:


The death splinter is a great splinter and I use it heavily when I'm down in the lower leagues. The -1 melee attack means that if you've got a good tank(with heal) and a tail gunner with good health, you can usually take your opponent out at your leasure, knowing his melee attack monster are pretty weak. With the -1 factored in, it usually means they are hitting you with a +1 or +2 at best.

I've found that as I climb the leagues, the -1 melee buff tends to have a smaller effect as enemy monsters become stronger and magic and ranged attacks become the norm and although I'm still pretty successful with the DEATH splinter in the gold leagues, it's no longer my go-to splinter at this level.


I bet you all came here expecting me to show you how, using the DEATH splinter, I dismantled an opponents strategy and gave their deck a good old battering??

Well, as the name of the blog suggests, the reverse is in fact true!! From what looked like it was to be a solid victory for team Welshstacker, that sneaky death splinter did what death always does, and wins in the end....


Battle rules!! Simple enough... No shields and fisty-cuffs only.

I had already clocked that my oppenent liked to use the DEATH splinter pre-battle. I was in the process of completing my "daily quest" with the EARTH splinter, so I made sure to use some really big hitters, and counteract the -1 buff by adding my little Brownie to give me a +1 melee attack.

Watch how I some how manage to lose this battle HERE

Now for some reason @guchtere had placed his Goblin Mech in the tank position. I don't know if this account is a "bot" or if it was a stroke of genius... But with out shields the GM, in my opinion, is a waste of manna and pretty weak.

So the battle begins and the monsters abilities do their things.... My brownie counteract the -1 melee attack and gives all my monsters not only the +1 attack but extra speed too. Still, his WOLF and SKELTON are pretty nippy and they get the first shots fired. Now my time to attack!!!

With out shields his GM is taken down straight away and my REXXIE does what REXXIE loves to do and trample....... That pesky WOLF has thorns and after REXXIE tramples it, it gets its payback with a -2 damage.

My Orc uses its "retaliate" ability and takes out SKELTON, surely now victory is mine?? All that's left to do is take out that UNDEAD MINATAUR and victory is assured. Here comes REXXIE!! YESSSSSSSS.... Victory is mine.

Whats that you say DEATH?? Not today!!


The rest of this battle should now go down in @steemmonsters folklore and history as one of the greatest comebacks EVER. Seriously go watch the battle. Its crazy-bonkers-nutts how I managed to not win this battle.

It just goes to show that the -1 buff from DEATH should never be underestimated.

Congratulations and well played @guchtere.


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