STOMP!! CHOMP!! Game over.... Look out here comes REXXIE.


Has it come around again already?? The fantastic curation team over at @splinterlands have been working hard this week, but still @carrieallen has found time to get this weeks SHARE YOUR BATTLE CHALLENGE out. The SYBC is a weekly blog, run by @splinterlands, that asks us to show them a #steemmonsters / #splinterlands battle we have been a involved in that has either had a certain battle theme or a specific monster involved. Once their blog "pays out"(closes), all good quality logs submitted can win the chance of receiving a very good upvote from the @steemmonsters account.


For this weeks SYBC, we were asked to share a battle that had that giant, green, grinning, gargantuan:



Don't let that winning smile and his tiny arms lull you into a false sense of security..... Once this bad boy gets going, it takes a lot to stop him. For a start even a lvl 1 REXXIE packs a mighty punch, but his true potential is only unlocked once he's levelled up and has the "trample" buff available.



I was once told a very good combination of monsters, that under the right circumstances, will win 90% of the battles you use them in, and luckily for me it involved REXXIE.


So what I look for in this ideal battle scenario is NOT what I actually had to play with.... But since the combo doesn't use any magic attacks or sneak attack, and needs a minimum of 20 mana, it was close enough. So after seeing what splinter my opponent usually plays and what monsters he likes to use, I decided that this opertunity was too good to pass up.

So I'll dedicate this battle victory to @mattclarke and thank him for sharing this useful battle formation.

Watch this battle play out HERE

It's a very simple, but very effective battle pattern and each monster has his/her own responsibility and role. As I said it needs a minimum of 20 mana and can be played with the EARTH splinter, but with 21 mana, you can upgrade to the dragon splinter for more "firepower".

The REXXIE goes in the tank position, and although it's speed isn't the best and its health can take a beating, under these conditions they don't matter. All he is there for is is destructive capability and "trample".

Behind REXXIE you need a monster with reach and good speed, now you can play your Manticore here, but with similar speed to REXXIE, you need something a little faster to make sure it attaks first and definitely makes sure REXXIE has a clear attack. So this is where the Minotaur is preferable, if you can level it up enough to get the pierce buff, then it's a reassurance incase the Javelin thrower doesn't succeed.

I've added my GF Chicken here, but this was just an extra protection against having my front end broken. Usually I would add her at the rear to protect my back-end......

Time to add that little extra BROWNIE... An incredibly useful monster in my arsenal. Not only does he add +1 melee attack, on top of my Daria Dragonscale, but most importantly he gives all monster a +1 speed buff. That's the important bit, as this setup relys upon striking first and striking hard.

Now for probably the most important monster in this combo. The Javelin Thrower!! What makes this monster the most important is her blazing speed and her ability to PIERCE armour. Think of this monster as the LEFT in a Left, right, knockout combo... If you don't connect with the first strike, then the rest of the combination doesn't follow through.


So how this lineup works is very simple.

  1. Javelin Thrower uses the Brownies +1 speed buff and almost guarantees to go first. With a +3 range attack it either takes out any shields or really does some damage.

  2. The Minotaur, who is also surprisingly quick, either causes damage to the tank or takes out the remaining shields and clears the path for the knockout punch.

  3. Now for the K-O!! Hopefully the two previous strikes have taken out any defensive shields and softened up the tank ready for the final blow. This is where REXXIE works wonders... +7 melee attack is usually enough, on its own, to take out most tanks. If REXXIE does take out the tank then "trample" can often take out the monster in second position too. Then it's game, set and match.


So what do you think of this lineup? Sometimes, if the mana let's me, I'll add a monster with Snipe, just so I can take out any shields that may be on the monster in second position too, so REXXIE can get to work on them too. My monster of choice for this task is the quick CENTAUR with +2 range attack

How would you improve this performance??


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