I've added @papa-pepper's feature request to SteemNow.com

@papa-pepper asked for a feature in this post yesterday to search for all posts a user has made about a particular subject.

I'm pleased and excited to announce that I have added this feature to SteemNow.com :-)

How it works

  • First select 'Blog' as in the screenshot below.
  • Enter someone's username.
  • Enter a 'tag' to view all posts this user has made about a particular subject.

In this example you see all posts by @papa-pepper about animals.


We all have different interests and most of us write about different subjects. Sometimes you only want to see the posts about a single subject from someone. It might be, for example, that you only want to see the posts by @dantheman about EOS.

Or you're not interested in most of my posts, but only in my posts about SteemNow.com ;)

I think it would be nice if Steemit had more filter options, but at this moment you can use SteemNow.com to filter posts. You can also use it to filter new posts by earnings and the author's reputation.

¯\___(ツ)____/¯ Don't miss out on my next post! Follow me @penguinpablo

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