Steemolutions For 2018

My oh my what a year it has been in the cryptosphere.

From the never before seen rise of the King, to the whole crypto universe collectively growing to an astonishing $600 Billion market cap. Over the course of the yer we witnessed our beloved Steem both rise and fall, only to rise again and finish the year 20 times ahead of where it began at the beginning of 2017. With the New Year upon us I feel 2018 has the potential to be absolutely HUGE for all of us on this platform, but in order to realize this potential, we must all contribute to the long term success of Steemit. So to start off the year strong I've decided there are a few things I want to do to help the community flourish in 2018, lets call them my Steemolutions.


These Steemolutions are going to be goals and guidelines that I aim for and adhere to in order to do my part and help the community.

Steemolution Number 1 - Delegate More

Delegate 10% of my Steem Power.
The goal here is to simply help others out. I am by no means a whale but by delegating some extra SP to other users it strengthens the community.When people work together, good things can happen. So from today on, each month I will look for new people/groups to delegate some SP to, it probably won't be a huge amount at first, but it will be at least 10% of my SP. So, to start off I have delegated 250 SP to @thesteemengine. This is a bot put together by members of #thesteemengine, a group of mostly minnows working together to help each other grow. Each month I will reasses and look for other deserving people or groups.

Steemolution number 2 - Invest More

Get my total investment in steem up to 5,000 by April.
Now there are no shortages of investment opportunities and like a lot of others I have invested in several different crypto currencies. There are several other coins that I have spent plenty of time discussing and doing research on, but by I spend the most time interacting and using Steem through steemit, so why not invest a little more?!?! Purchasing steem and powering it up is one of (if not the best) ways to increase your your visibility on the platform. If you have a few extra bucks, do yourself a favour and buy some steem, power it up and enjoy the increased visibility.

Steemolution Number 3 - Bring in more users

Steemit has started to grow rapidly over the last few months but there is still a HUGE market out there. I'm talking like Facebook type of market. There are still a few kinks to work out in the system but we are headed in the right direction. Now we the users need to do our part and start spreading the word about Steem and Steemit. I will do my part by marketing on other social platforms like Facebook and Instagram, while also making a few shirts and accessories to get more eyes on the steem brand. Persistent marketing will help grow our user base (hopefully exponentially) and that only helps all of us in the long run.

Steemolution Number 4 - Promote Other Users

The Steemit community is full of awesome users, From people who run daily contests to people who continuously help out new members, to people who help develop new applications. Steemit has no shortage of superstars and I need to start doing a better job bringing attention to these users. There are people like @papa-pepper who are continuously running contests and paying out Steem and SBD to the participants. There are other users like @v4vapid who also run contests but on a more specific topic. Both those gentlemen are model steemians, go check out their accounts and show them some love.
There are also groups that make an effort to bring people together and network, with the attempts of a symbiotic relationship where everyone grows. Some awesome groups like @minnowbooster for all the minnows in the sea and another group I recently joined called @thesteemengine aim to help users collectively work and grow together. If you are looking for a great group to join click here --------->>>> The Steem Engine. There are many other great users and groups out there and I suggest you do a little bit more research on your own, but interact with as many people as possible and you fill start to have more success.

So that does it for my Steemolutions in 2018. Of course I will remain active, posting 2-4 times a week and commenting on a lot of other posts. If you have any other good steemolutions that you can recommend, I am all ears. Lets have a great year here on the platform.

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