Developer preview - SteemPay mobile wallet | QR to upvote | Consensus needed

Please read trough this post as i need your feedback!

New on the menu of Steempayments: SteemPay mobile wallet. SteemPay mobile will be fully separated from Steemit. The main functionallity will behave much like the mobile wallet.

Here are some highligts:

  • Easy registration and account creation.
  • Import existing keys.
  • Scan QR code to upvote posts. (thanks @jesta for this idea!)
  • Process payments using QR codes instead of a form (on steemit)

However, there are some issues where i need community feedback.

Account creation, be it a new, or an account with keys where the user provides his own set of keys, requires a fee of 3 STEEM (at this moment) to broadcast. There are a few options to cover these costs:

1: The user pays the fee before creating a new account.

A mobile payment would be required before broadcasting your new account to the network. This might scare away people, leaving only the already existent steemers in the game.

2: A small monthly subscription will apply.

I'm talking about a few cents each month. Let's say 0.25$ every month. This option might also scare away users.

3: Transaction fee.

Every transaction will take a small fee for the developer. I personally hate fees, but this might be a good road to take.

4: pays the account creation fee during startup.

I don't mind paying the 3 STEEM per account (yet). But if there are a theoretical +10k users, it will no longer be viable. Funds would come from posting rewards.

5: Ads and other annoying stuff

Flooding the wallet with ads and other annoying popup stuff. It will break the creation fee even, but this is my last option since we all hate this kind of stuff.

6: pays the account creation fee forever, but get's the user approval to upvote all posts related to it.

Using the posting key, it would be possible for us to upvote all posts regarding SteemPay. This could even be integrated using streemian to remain transparant. I'm sure @xeroc would love to join forces on auto integration.

Before continuing on the work, i need a consensus over this.

Please share your thoughts or ideas in the comment section!

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