Health insurance and vaccine

    Health insurance renewal of my little one is next month and as early as today, my husband is already processing his requirements as advised by his company and it is very important here in UAE. He is under his father’s visa. Abu Dhabi companies are required by law to provide medical insurance to their employees and to their dependents (1 spouse and 3 children under 18 years) but sadly my husband's company doesn't cover my little one so we don't have any choice but to pay it from our own pockets just to have his residence visa here. Sending him home back in the Philippines is not on our list. I want my son to be with us here even it means another loan from my sister. Shhh, she still doesn' know we are planning to. Haha!


    Health insurance can bring in benefits and coverage in times of need for the patients. We pay only 30 percent every check up and with the medicines. My son was admitted 3 times last year and it was all covered - every single Dirham of our bill even the checkup, that is the best part of it and actually lessened our worries and just concentrate o his recovery. The first time we admitted him was when he got a pneumonia last March, the second when he got influenza in August and rotavirusjust 2 days since we got out from the hospital. All of these admissions are under the health insurance which is really a big help to us.

    My son completed his vaccines since he was little. Abu Dhabi requires parents to have our children vaccinized here for free. Actually back in the Philippines, there are some issues regarding vaccines like the dengvaxia, the anti dengue vaccine which is now under investigation because a lot of children died after they were injected with dengvaxia. The victims suffered internal hemorrhage and the enlargement of internal organs. Really awful for the parents.

    I am one of those parents who believe in the vaccinations but will think twice for the dengvaxia. Vaccinations play a vital role in keeping kids healthy. Sadly, some parents and guardians have been misinformed or just don't want to have their children immunized. In my case, my son was hit by a rotavirus even he got a rota vaccine. He was throwing up, diarrhea​ which he passes almost every hours, stomach cramps and high fever. I was thinking if he didn't get this rota vaccine, the symptoms​ COULD BE WORST. For his flu vaccine, he never got one since he has​ shot when he was 1 months old and honestly, we never visited the hospital since then. He got coughs and cold but only for a day then he'll get better. So for me, the pros outweigh the cons.


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