Art in Community Building Efforts in Davao City


One of our goals as Steemph's Davao communal account is to grow and nurture the Steemit community in Davao. After our post last week, we've seen more activity in our Davao channel in Discord and we've since spotted more gems from our beloved city. One such gem is @kennik, who has proposed a project for our community.


Kin came to Steemit 3 months ago. He's a visual artist and he's been making oil paintings since 2012. He believes that Art is a blessing that should be shared to be enjoyed by everyone. Because of this, he and his friends started to design a playground in Davao with their work as you can see in the photos below.


In his post, ART: As a Form of BLESSING and How We Share it #2, he shares how he joins a friend in conducting free art workshops for kids. His friend, Perry Lequigan, has been doing this for 15 years; teaching kids about art in a park in Davao. Kin joined him last year and together, they were able to reach far-flung areas like Mati and Tagum.

Below are pictures of their workshopin Mati. This was after typhoon Pablo and they wanted to divert the attention of the kids to more positive things.




In Tagum, they had an art session with patients from a drug rehabilitation center. It is known that art therapy is one of the options for people who have decided to undergo rehab.



Before joining his friend, Perry, Kin and his group have also conducted a workshop for kids in Davao City. They visited Tambobong Elementary School in Calinan Toril, where they were able to reach students from Indigenous tribes too.



They believe that art is a powerful tool in influencing the youth. Their group aims to help in keeping these kids away from the drug-related problems by letting them experience the beauty of art and the blessings that come with it.

These days, Kin with his friends are reaching out to local governments in various places in Davao and neighboring provinces so they can get support in holding their art workshops. Their next art workshop will be with kids from Barangay 11B on February 10. The Baranggay office have shown their support by providing a venue for the event. They are expecting 50 participants, who will be using pencils, watercolors, oil pastels, acrylic paints and watercolor pads. As the communal account of Davao, we have pledged our support to Kin and his advocacy. We believe in his cause. This will also be a great venue for other artists from Davao to be acquainted to Steemit and how this platform can touch lives. If you'd like to take part in this project, please free to contact us in Discord through the link below.


If you would like to support initiatives on community building and enrichment, kindly check out @steemph, @steemph.cebu, @steemph.iligan, @steemph.davao and @steemph.manila

Consider casting your witness votes for @precise, @steemgigs @cloh76.witness and @ausbitbank who have been adding invaluable contribution to the community.

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