The moment we knew we can do something that others can't, we know we are blessed. Talents that we have that is God given is more than enough. We are truly blessed. Life is meant to be celebrated but how can we celebrate life when we know other people are not fortunate enough to experience such blessing? Sharing the blessing is the main purpose of these art workshops. We, the artist are truly blessed with talents and it would make us happy to share such blessing the Lord has given.
This time its bigger and better. this photos are taken from mati after the typhoon and tagum city drug surrenderees and magallanes elementary school last december. Doing these things fuels our desire to do more and better artworks. We would love to see other people grow in art. Making art is never easy so we always go an extra mile for other people. We are trying to fulfil, the emptiness that other people feels, with art.
Our target this time are remote areas and the unfortunate ones. 50+ kids and adults. We are partnering with barangays and hoping they could fund the materials needed for the activity. barangay 11B will be the next target on feb.10. pencils, watercolors, wartercolor pad, oil pastels, acrylic paints, and other related coloring materials will be needed. And if there would be other barangays who would accept our offer for art workshop then we would work on it right away. We try to gather as much as we could for their materials and meals. It would make us happier if there are other artists who wants to join us on teaching art.
Doing all of this makes me feel that there is a greayer hope for the art industry particularly in davao. With the help of @steemph, @artguildph, and other people under these groups makes me feel confident towards conducting artworkshops. With these people I saw the value of sharing in a better perspective.
We would love to continue these activity for as long as the are blessings that are meant to be shared!
Donations in the form of Steem and Steem Dollars are accepted - simply send it to us and add something in the memo so we can sort it properly. Thanks!
Article written by @kennik
