Sunday Funday in STEEMIT PHILIPPINES Discord

Upholding the Philippine Tourism tagline "It's More Fun in the Philippines",

the @steemph family indeed had lots of fun last night in the Steemit Philippines discord, courtesy of @jassennessaj's and @donkeypong's classical-rebus game.

What is classical-rebus you say and how does the game work?

I would borrow the explanation on this game announcement. Best to head over to that link to know more about the game mechanics, too.

As defined by Wikipedia :

A Rebus is a puzzle in which words are represented by combinations of pictures and individual letters; for instance, apex might be represented by a picture of an ape followed by a letter X.

Or, it is an allusional device that uses pictures to represent words or parts of words. It was a favourite form of heraldic expression used in the Middle Ages to denote surnames.

In linguistics, the rebus principle is the use of existing symbols, such as pictograms, purely for their sounds regardless of their meaning, to represent new words. Many ancient writing systems used the rebus principle to represent abstract words, which otherwise would be hard to be represented by pictograms.

9:00pm local time, everyone excitedly awaits the game start. The game master gave a few samples to give everyone a feel of how the game would run.

Notice the timestamp? It was literally just a millisecond after the image posting! Here is another sample:

This went on the entire game. Quick mind, fast hands and a fast internet connection are essential.

So basically, @jassennessaj posts a picture and everyone tries to guess the right word. Easy right? and kinda... nerdy? It was both, and it was also super fun! Everyone was confidently beauwittyful with a heart. Backreading the game comments was a hoot, here are some samples of the crazies that happened.

Walk in the Park

Another one:

History Repeats Itself

The bonus question was a bit challenging, worth the 2 steem prize for this single puzle:

Travelling overseas

The game winners with steem prizes may have been @vallesleoruther, @enjieneer and @rigor, but everyone had priceless gifts last night- smiles and laughters!

Join us on our next gamenights! Just head over to Steemit Philippines discord. See you soon!

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