Do you want to know what your top 20 most rewarded votes were in the past 2 weeks?

A snapshot of your curation rewards for those keen on numbers - open to all!

All you have to do is........ ask me nicely in a comment below!

source - pixabay

Casting over 1000 votes a week and then using the 'Curation Rewards' link in the Wallet to see what's worked and what hasn't, is about as useful the 'Followers/Following' links in my opinion.

No options to sort, no filtering, and depending on how long the post/reply is, about 10 rewards per page. Sheesh.

Luckily, we have @arcange's DataBase to help us get a handle on things. And what started out as a 'Curation Tips' post (which I will do soon), has turned into another gift to you :)

Your top 20 curation reward payouts over the past 2 weeks.

The format will be like this:


It should be pretty self-explanatory, the 'Vote Weight' column is the % you used when casting the vote. If you see a 're-' at the front of the 'Shortened URL', then it is most likely a comment to a post which you cast your vote upon.

I'm not going to stay up all night doing these, but I'll try to do as many as are requested in the next hour or so, and If you ask really nicely, i'll finish the rest in the morning :p

If you can think of another 'snapshot' you'd like to see in the future, add that in the comments below and I'll check on what seems popular.

p.s. Did you notice my best reward in the past two weeks, was a 10% vote on a comment, interesting huh!


Asher @abh12345

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