Is It Worth Powering Up! For The Low Interest Rates! Heres My Calculations With 3100 SP!

Is it really worth Powering up for the stability of the eco-system on Steemit?

I have done some minor research of my own and tried to figure what is the powering up all about. This system was once upon a time a good move as you could of more than doubled you Steempower if you was early in the Steem eco-system. But now from my calculations there is no serious benefit to powering up my SP due to the almost none existent SP payouts! 

My conclusion, BUT I am no expert this is from my own research!

As Steempower holders we all know that if we power up out Steempower we get a staking interest as such! So these payouts are almost every 15mins or so 24hrs a day 365 days a year! But is it really worth it! 

Right I have 3100 SP which is above average for the basic user of Steemit! 

I took a screen shot of my SP and then I took another one 60 mins after can you see the difference?

Screen Shot Before The 60 Mins?

Screen Shot After The 60 Mins?

My Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Annual Calculations!

This is based on my current Steempower staying the same as it is now, and powering up for one whole year. 

Current Steempower after the 60 mins = 3,173.108 - 3,173.101 = 0.007 Per 60 Mins

Hourly SP = 0.007

Daily SP = 0.007 x 24 = 0.168

Weekly SP = 0.007 x 24 = 0.168 x 7 = 1.176

Monthly SP = 0.007 x 24 = 0.168 x 7 = 1.176 x 4 = 4.704

Yearly SP = 0.007 x 24 = 0.168 x 7 = 1.176 x 4 = 4.704 x 12 = 56.448 

I have read something on Steemvest per Million! I have got this information from but not sure how it effects me. i know that its my accumulating Vests per million but what else does it prove? Any body else no more information on this subject? Stats from Steemd

 6.55M VESTS
0.000 STEEM

Thank you for looking and any help, or information is much appreciated!

Vote, Comment, Re-steem if you think others could benefit! :)

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