A simple introduction of “Share2steem” 简单的介绍“Share2steem”

各位好,今天向分享的就是 Instagram, Youtube, Twitter 已经可以联手Steemit 了。很多朋友都在期待着这个消息。就在昨天已经正式宣布@share2steem 允许用户从他们喜欢用的社交软件在 Steem区连接上发布。

Hi all, today gonna share about Instagram, Youtube, Twitter finally can be in one hand together to Steemit. Yeaaaaa.. I believe that it will be the happiest news. Yesterday its officially announce that @share2steem applications are allows users to post on Steem by their social media apps.

那么我们还在等什么?出发咯! 但是之前必须要有 Instagram, Youtube, Twitter之一户口。

What are we waiting for ? Let's go for the simple registration. But before this must have Instagram, Youtube, Twitter one of the account.

步骤一 : 点击 https://www.share2steem.com/,  点"Let's Go!"
Step 1 : Click on https://www.share2steem.com/, Click on "Let's Go!" Button

步骤二 :选择"Yes"或 "No" (如果你有Steemit 户口就选择YES)
Step 2 : Choose "Yes" or "No" (If you have Steemit Account, choose Yes)
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步骤三 : 点 "Steemconnect Login".
Step 3 : Click "Steemconnect Login"
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步骤四 : 点 "Continue"
Step 4 : Click "Continue"
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步骤五 : 输入Steemit ID, 还有主要密码
Step 5 : Key in your Steemit ID , and your MASTER KEY
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步骤六 : 输入Instragram ID
Step 6 : Then you will be key in your Instagram ID

步骤七 : 您会得到一个密码,之后需要在你的Instagram 户口的BIO 输入。
Step 7 : You will be given a code, then you need to put the code into your Instagram BIO for a moment.
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步骤八 : 打开Instagram, 设置里在"个人简介"输入指定的密码. (但是要确保你的设置为公众让每一位都可以看到你的照片)
Step 8 : Open your Instagram, Settings, BIO and insert the CODE given. (Make sure that your account is be set as "PUBLIC".
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步骤九 : 回去链接,按确认之后你就能在Instagram 传照片!
Step 9 : Go back to the link, and click "Verify account" and go to Instagram to post!
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步骤最后 : 上传照片,写一点内容,第一个标签放#share2steem ,... 上传!
Last Step : Upload your photo, write caption, and first hastag is #share2steem, ..... and UPLOAD!
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希望大家喜欢我简单的介绍这个@share2steem 的中英版。
Hope you guys like the simple introduction of @share2steem in dual languange.

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