Pennsif’s Progress #573 – I go out to dine every day, and it doesn't cost me a penny

One thing I like to do it each day is go out to dine.

But I don't go far - usually just down our lane and into our fields.

I gorge myself on berries and leaves and buds and seeds.

Ever since I got a copy of the original edition of Richard Mabey's excellent 'Food for Free' (now reprinted) I have been hooked on foraging.

I just love being able to graze on little bits of nature as I walk around our property.

Of course you have to be a bit careful of what you eat and where, but there are many excellent foraging books available as well as lots of great videos and articles online. And if you do have the opportunity to attend a local foraging course go for it.

My hit parade of favourite foragings varies with the seasons but three of my favourites at the moment are...

Blackberries (Rubus fruticosus)

As mentioned in yesterday's blog me and the dog just love gobbling up the blackberries as we are out on our walks.

And we have lots of blackberries - wild and organic - all over our 17 acress, so we will never run out.

Nettles (Urtica dioica)

We have loads and loads and loads of nettles.

I started drinking nettle tea about three years ago. Then we started adding nettles to soaps. And then I got the idea from a @papa-pepper video of eating them raw as a green leaf. Tasty ... and you will soon get the hang of picking them without getting stung.

Pennywort (Umbilicus rupestris)

This one I picked up on from a foraging course about 4 years ago.

This grows in good abundance along our rather shaded quarter mile long lane.

Pennywort is lovely and juicy and succulent. It tastes a bit like fresh peas.

It is definitely one of my favourites at the moment.

Foraging is a key skill...

For any prepper or would-be prepper.

Oddly they rarely seem to feature it in most post-apocalyptic / SHTF type movies. The main characters often seem to get close to starvation rather than grab any of the abundant free food all around them.

Learn to forage and you will never starve.


[ book cover from // photographs by pennsif ]

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