Pennsif's Progress #603 - Am I prepared for this crazy world?

Today's headlines were quite an eyeful for any aspiring prepper.
"Wildfires in Greece kill 74 people", "Many feared dead as Laos dam collapses", "Japan heatwave declared natural disaster as death toll mounts".

Is the world going crazy? Is the earth fighting back? Is Gaia seeking instant karma?

How much these tragedies are freaks of nature, and how much they have been brought about by human action, may be difficult to judge.

Are such disasters becoming more commonplace, or do they just catch my eye more often as I get older and I get more concerned.

As a prepper I will always have a heightened sense of concern, but as a father and as a citizen of earth it gives me ever more anxiety about how my family, my children and everyone I know will cope with this changing world.

Sometimes that anxiety spills over into outright despair.

I am for sure not yet a 5 star prepper, but I am considerably more prepped up than the average Jo on the block.

Yet when I mindport into the horrific settings of at least the first two of these headlines today I suspect in reality all my prepping would most likely not have saved me, my family or our possessions.

Could we have outrun the wild flames of Greece? And even if we had our homestead would have been burnt to the ground.

Could we have escaped the torrents of water from the collapsed dam in Laos? The same answer I fear.

And the 40+ Celsius temperatures in Japan? We have struggled with the effects of the mid twenties here in Wales.

But these things will never happen to us...

Why not? The world is changing. Mother Earth seems to be fighting back.

And as technology grows, we think we are getting smarter.

In fact all the time we are getting weaker and unhealthier, dumber and more dependent, lazier and more reliant.

Our society is becoming ever more fragile.

Our resilience is evaporating in the white heat of technology.

Our chances of survival are diminishing.

But there is a way. I hope.

While you are here check out these to see what else I do :

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