Pennsif's Progress #619 - Why do I prep - Pennsif's Personal SHTF Scale

I have been a prepper all my adult life.

It started with watching Terry Nation's never bettered BBC TV series 'Survivors' in late 1970's.

I grabbed a copy of Richard Mabey's Food For Free book and I was up and running.

In various ways, and to various levels, I have kept on prepping ever since.

Over the last decade or so, as I have got older and the earth has got rougher, my prepping has been accelerating at an ever faster pace.

Moving to our homestead at the turn of the century was a hyper-catalyst on our prepping journey.

The independence, the isolation and the insulation that our homestead provides is a critical key on our path to self-reliance.

There is the convergence and the divergence at the heart of it all.

On the one hand we strive for self-reliance and self-sufficiency in these 'normal times' just so we can STICK IT TO THE MAN as some would say.

But underlying and underpinning our quest to off-grid our lives in full @wwf ungrip style is the desire to be ready and to be resilient for when the 'normal times' become the 'bad times'.

What are the 'Bad Times'?

I use the term 'Bad Times' as a family-friendly euphemism for SHTF - When the Sh*t Hits the Fan.

Bad Times can come in many guises and in many levels of severity.

Like all good preppers I endeavour to prep for all eventualities, but like all realistic preppers I know I can't.

That does not mean rolling over and turning the other.

It means doing the best with what you've got.

Pennsif's Personal SHTF Scale (PPSS)

I am sure someone, some body or some worthy institution has codified this better than me but I have my own personal 'scale of threat' that I prep for.

I'll aim for the big #5, but if in reality I can nail down #3, or even #4 at a push, I know I'll have prepped my prepping best.

Threat Level Threat Area Examples
0 Family house fire, death of immediate family member, loss of main source of income, major illness
1 Local major flood, explosion at a chemical factory
2 Regional widespread flooding, terrorist dirty bomb, severe earthquake
3 National extreme weather destruction across the country, multiple terrorist attacks in several cities, government collapse, cyber attack on the electricity grid
4 Continental outbreak of war with Russia in Europe, major pandemic, terrorist detonation of a nuclear bomb
5 Global major meteor strike, worldwide pandemic, outbreak of nuclear war between USA and Russia / China

Everyone, everywhere should, one hopes, be minded to take care of Level 0 possibilities.

Ideally responsible families might make some provision for Level 1 threats.

Beyond that you are beginning to earn your prepper stripes.

I'm all in and shooting for #5.

Prepping for the really big one is a mental challenge of the first order.

It's all risk and reward, opportunity costs, getting your priorities right, hoping, praying and thinking it through.

The common voice I am sure will retort "that ain't going to ever happen...".

But it might.

A level 5 event is not impossible.

It may not be that likely, but if you sit back and think a while it is not too difficult to string together the news headlines that would take us there...

That is why I prep.

While you are here check out these to see what else I do :

[ photo by Jordy Meow on Unsplash ]

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