SteemPress ready to curate Steem-powered WordPress blogs with 1 million Steem Power

Today we are excited to announce that @steempress-io has recently received a delegation of 1,000,000 Steem Power which will be used to curate content published to the Steem blockchain using the SteemPress plugin for wordpress!

If you are not already familiar with SteemPress, it is a WordPress plugin co-founded by @howo and @fredrikaa that allows posts made on any WordPress blogs to be automatically converted and posted to the Steem blockchain. Beyond making it convenient to share content published on a website also to without the need of added editing, we also provide many added features. These include post scheduling, SEO protection and much more. To download the plugin, or for more information, see the link below:

Growing our userbase and attracting new bloggers

We hope that with this announcement, we can encourage those of you who have a WordPress blog already to try our plugin. Perhaps some of you may have even considered creating your own website in the past, but never got that far, this could be a chance to revisit the idea. We also hope that the many of you who have friends or people in your network with a WordPress blog or website who you never managed to convince to start blogging on steemit, now feel incentivized to try publishing to Steem using SteemPress. Finally, we hope this delegation can help us onboard many new bloggers and creators of the 76 000 000 WordPress websites out there by providing a low barrier of entry to the Steem ecosystem where they can participate from the comfort of their own blogs.

SteemPress LOGO.jpeg

SteemPress is now ready to reward the best WordPress bloggers and creators and to help creators move from blog to blockchain!

How to receive a SteemPress upvote

Currently, we are working hard to improve our voting so that we can both efficiently and fairly reward good creators while avoiding enabling abuse. As we believe all Dapps and community projects should have a public curation policy paper detailing the guidelines and considerations for curating content, we will be publishing our own curation policy brief shortly. In the meantime, these are the three main pillars of our voting:

  • High votes on quality-curator trails
    For the past weeks we have worked closely with a selection of curators with a proven record of caring for quality and avoiding spam and plagiarized content to create a dedicated search tool for them to find content. By trailing their votes on posts made using SteemPress, we hope to both benefit from their experience and dedication to finding great content, while at the same time helping them increase their curation rewards through our trail.

  • New user voting pool
    All new SteemPress users with an existing blog exceeding a certain age will receive initial welcome upvotes once classified as non-spam original content. We hope this can give new users we onboard who have no previous experience with Steem, but who are quality creators, a good start.

  • Randomized votes
    Remaining Voting Power is spread randomly across users with a limit of 1 vote per day per user. To prevent rewarding spam, we have an internal blacklist based on our own records, as well as lists from other communities and anti-abuse projects. We also have an internal rating system of quality to ensure that low-quality posts making it through our initial filters do not receive upvotes of considerable weight. Creators with a proven record of quality, on the other hand, will see higher upvotes.

The SteemPress team is aware that while we are still a young project, the latter will continue to take up a larger portion of the votes. We would like to kindly ask for your patience as we work hard to obtain more quality writers and to improve our voting. In this process, we invite all community members to give feedback on how we can improve or report instances of where we have supported plagiarized content or obvious spam.

Connect with us on Discord!

All steemians eager to use SteemPress, who have questions they would like to ask about our plugin, or have comments they would like to make, are invited to our new Discord server:

We are very grateful for the kind and useful support we have received from the community and our early users in providing new ideas or reporting issues in the early weeks and months of SteemPress! We hope you will continue to be with us on this exciting journey and also provide ideas and suggestions now for how we can provide the best possible service to you as a user and also be of the best possible service to the Steem ecosystem at large!

Our vision is simple: to see bloggers everywhere become empowered by the Steem blockchain to reach new audiences and help monetize their content. We want to see the best WordPress content on Steem, and the best Steem features on every WordPress blog. We look forward to working to achieve this together!

SteemPress on!
@fredrikaa and @howo

To download the plugin, or for more information, see the link below:

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