Win $20 SBD: How Has Steemit Improved Your Inner Self? + Week 3 Winner Announced. Closes July 30th.

The goal of this drawing is to share with others how Steemit has improved your inner self. By sharing these stories it will hopefully allow others to analyze their own self in ways they may have never thought of.

The Genesis post for the contest can be found here

I would like to continue this project indefinitely. It's very important to me as I have personally benefited tremendously from Steemit. The support of the community was my main tool maintain sobriety.

Today I am celebrating my 98th day of sobriety and this platform played a huge part in my sobriety adventure.

With the influx of new Steemians, I know there will be many other improvement stories because of this platform and we all benefit from reading them!


There will be one change to the rules. You may now submit a video of at least 4 minutes in length instead of a written story post.

There were 2 participants for the How Steemit Changed Your Inner Self Drawing.

An excerpt from each post will be given below.

I would encourage you to read the post as each was very fantastic and who doesn't like to witness our fellow SteemDawgs improve? Each post contained multiple ways in which Steemit helped improve their inner self.


Humanity will be affected in a positive way with the improvements each Steemian has gained.

...I can be confident in my writing style and not succumb to an arrogant mindset. I wholeheartedly subscribe to the adage that 'Rome was not built in a day'.

I forget that I'm making money on here, because I'm doing everything casually and having fun doing so. Also something that is a big drive for me is the desire to help provide for my family.

And The Winner Of 20SBD IS...

Results can be verified at randomdrawing

Thank you all for sharing your stories. The value given to the community in these stories is invaluable!

Get your week 4 entries ready!


Remember there is one rule change!A video of at least 4 minutes can be included instead of the 300-word story post!

For this post please share how Steemit improved your inner self and how that improvement helped you to bring value to the community.

To qualify for the drawing... submit a STORY POST of at least 300 words or 4-minute video(at least), leave the link in the reply section, and include the tag #steemprovement. I will leave upvoting to your disgression. If you believe this post brings value to the community then I would hope you do the right thing!

The winner receives $20 SBD.

Because self-improvement is subjective, the winner will be chosen at random using This allows for the ability to give a link for fellow Steemians to view the result and to ensure their name was included if they submitted an entry. The link will be given in the drawing post.

Post Closes July 30th at NOON CST

I look forward to reading your posts and it is my desire for these posts to provoke thought within the community in regard to self-improvement. Your post may be the very post to allow a fellow Steemian to analyze something within their self they may have never thought to analyze; resulting in an increase of their value to the Steemit Community.

Top Picture Source, Creator Nevit DilmanCC BY-SA 3.0
No affiliation with @lexikon082


Article explaining inspiration

I mostly story post about my sobriety, family, effects of war, and the crazier parts of my life. However, if it interests me I may just Steem about it! Steem on Steemians!

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