New items for Stempunk
Today I finished two new items.

Vital Boost
Inspired for the outside of this syringe, the Stimpack from the viedeogame "Fallout". This syringe contains nanoparticles that have a positive effect on the life energy of the player.

Steem Plasma Pistole
... It has two ampoules filled with Steempower, which is bundled inside to a plasma jet. Two air strands in the back of the weapon allow the hot vapors to escape to the sides. The trigger is a red button.
Rough summary of the work process
Before the beginning the sketch I try to think about what I want to illustrate. What are the functions of the object? Which optical characteristics does it have?
Then I put these ideas into rough sketches. In this first sketching is about the perspective and the geometry.
In the digital elaboration of the sketches I think about which textures the item should have. Which materials are used? What is the state of the item?
Copyright @bronkong, 2017
Copyright @bronkong, 2017
@bronkong, Artwork
@asperger-kids, Story
@jedigeiss, Concept and PR
@dehenne, Concept and development