What does Steempunknet means to me?


Hello Everyone, so recently I came across a game running on the steemit platform and at first it all seemed random, couldn’t grasp the ideal behind it and How to install it was kind of a problem to me.

So me been a gamer, all I could think of then was how to play it? How do I get into this game? No software to install and the most confusing aspect was that it was running on steemit, I mean how is it possible cause am the less techies when it comes to programming and my knowledge here, not so much.

So without wasting much time, I decided to check the steempunknet blog click here and see what was going on, still I couldn’t understand it, after going through their blog for quite some time, I finally found an active link that led me to their discord server and I thought I was going to get the answer to all my questions but still am the observant type, in such a way that I don’t just enter a room and start interacting. I prefer to wait and see if my questions would be answered or if someone else that probably had the same idea as me would ask a similar question haha.

Days passed by and I was still yet to get this game up and running and I just couldn’t wait to test it out, finally the procedure on how to get it up and running was dropped and I just couldn’t wait to install it.

It may surprise you that the requirement was just google chrome browser, and the game extension of steempunknet which a link was provided and alongside the steps was dropped on the installation procedure which was not that hard, what it required was for you to download the extension and install it via the google chrome browser and the game was up and running after logging in with your username and posting key.

So what does this game mean to me?

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So the picture above shows a MMORPG gameplay

Just like every MMORPG, where you go on adventure, fighting and raiding other players and NPC, looking for random box or chest as you may call it, building your profile and leveling up your character, but then steempunknet is a little bit different but the fighting aspect with other player is very much available which I know everyone wants or probably you didn’t know this game was MMORPG, that’s if you are yet to get involve well it is. So like all MMORPG games, you look for opponent to duel and each player you battle tends to boost your experience level up from one point to another, so with steempunknet, each fight between two players give you 2 whole hours to prepare for the battle.

Presently, the only way to look for an opponent is go to their profile page and check the steempunknet extension if the user is registered, even though steempunknet just started, so many new implementation are been brought in and its pace of movement is quite cool if not great I must say. So like I was saying after getting a registered opponent you click on battle and a 2 hour time is given for you to prepare for the upcoming battle.

During this time, what I normally do is go around and look for chest, yes chest you read it write, chest are dropped every now and then each contains a particular equipment which is stored upon claiming it, most times you are lucky to get up to 10 within 2hrs and other time not so much. But if you are the type that stays online most of the time well I think you will be able to claim a lot of chest.


Now what I see about this game, let’s say you logged into steemit and while scrolling the news feed, you find something that annoys you or you disagree with a user point a view, you could go all rage on him not by living a comment on his/her post or downvoting him, what you just need to do is go to his page, challenge him and duel him. If for some reason you have high experience point than him or you are a higher level player, you might just win but if not ha-ha you already know what will happen next.

Okay so far have been able to get to level 2 after dueling some other registered players, so you probably thinking am a bad ass by now but seriously my opponent moped the floor with me, probably because I challenge players with level far higher than mine lol but that’s what the fun part of gaming is, you are able to challenge and sometime beat that big dude that resides close to you. Probably in real world you would have stand no chance.

But you will be happy to know I did win some, later found users whose level are quite lower than mine and won some users that challenged me as well. Yes am actually filling all high and mighty now but at the same time am still yet to advance much further and to do this, I need you guys to join and let me crush you while you are still below my level lol, seriously I really need to boost my level upward before more people starts joining and living me all behind.


So later, let me go and look for a low level player to battle and probably come up top if am lucky.

Hehe or let me try my luck against steempunknet and see the outcome, fighting a player currently at level 4 and me currently at level 2 who do you think will probably win this match? I know me right? ha-ha but you never can tell, they might just mistakenly win this round.


Well you can chat me up via the comment box in 2 hours time and asked me how it went, although I can feel this match belongs to me lol.

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