Suggest a name - 1,000 STEEM Contest

SteemQ needs a new name. I have been brainstorming for better name ideas with friends, and while we have some good ideas, we haven't conjured up a great name yet. I am thus turning to crowd wisdom for help.

What is SteemQ about?

The goal of SteemQ is to build a video platform on STEEM. We believe there is a better way of connecting content creators with their audiences, as well as monetizing content in a way that is not tied to the traditional advertising model.

Original Announcement



The goal of this contest is to come up with a new, better name for our project.
The name can be a made up word or something witty and clever. It can be somehow loosely related to what we are about, or not at all.


  • should be easy to pronounce/remember
  • should be available to register as .io or .tv
  • ideally, .com shouldn't be taken by an established company
  • can not contain the word STEEM
  • can not be infringing on an existing trademark

The winner of the contest is whomever suggests a name that we end up using for the project. You can suggest as many names as you like.

Good luck and happy brainstorming.

TLDR: Think of a good name for rebranding SteemQ, and submit it in the comments for a chance to win 1,000 STEEM.

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