Quest NFT’s (QUST) are live, learn about them

Today NFT’s went live on the Steem-engine sidechain and I am proud to announce our community created and issued the 1st tokens.
Currently the 2 accounts that can issue new tokens are @chestbot & @simplegame

The tokens will have currently the name of the token and the issuing game of the token.

Here are some of the tokens

weapons .png

Some cool weapons from SteemQuest our play-by-post game.

The actual 1st NFT was
go fasters .png

Issued to @agr8buzz

So how do I see my NFT’s ?

Currently go to /after you login click on wallet / under wallet is an option to view your NFT’s.

Steem-engine doesn’t currently support images in the wallet. That functionality will come at a later date. I am also working on this. Until then I can do a post showing any items you would like to see.

So how do I get some of these cool items !!

Currently they are only earned by playing our games. However I will be opening up our beloved chestbot that awards items in-game to allow collectors the chance to earn some NFT’s.
This will work by transferring 1000 Battle tokens or 2 Steem to @chestbot
Chestbot will reply with the item you have earned. Currently I will have to manually issue them as an NFT.
I will be working on automating this ASAP

With the launch of SteemTrek this week those items will become NFT’s also.

Let’s. Look at some more items

chain mail.jpeg

What games can I use these in ?

Currently SteemQuest & SteemTrek and soon SteemArena (PvP) also we will be open sourcing the rule systems to encourage more games being run and more games being developed.

Is there a marketplace ?

The Steem-engine team said one is coming and I am working on a DEX built on this for NFT’s. In the meantime you can purchase them from players that have them. Or earn them from chestbot. I will also make a small amount of (5) launch Day Go Fasters available at 10 Steem each

There are 3 baby dragons hidden somewhere in chestbot

One of each color. After they are found they will be removed from chestbot and only will exist as NFT’s

I will also work on a buy back strategy to keep burning tokens as chestbot creates them. The strongest items can only be earned in game by crafting and only will exist as an NFT when the in game player chooses to remove it from the game.

Here is one such example:

brennan axe.png

So welcome to the new world. I will keep you updated as things develop.

Any questions ?

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