Steem Schools Ultimate Challenge 5000 SBD prize - Day #7 entry

Hey to everyone,

This is my post for the steemschools ultimate challenge hosted my sir @dobartim

First of all thanks to @dobartim, for hosting a challenge which can actually change a life of new steemian

Thanks to all the donors for supporting such great cause @flysky, @tatjanastan, @aidasfg7.

Well I would also like to include one more thing, which I understood few days back in steemschool, that the money dobartim is giving through the contest is actually to support someone who can become a leader and support others to become one too. His aim is to educate a leader and inturn who can educate a whole country, not just a single individual, and this is something I think is really a great idea, and I am with him in this.


Life Communication

Now I am going to tell, something about my early life…

Well I come from the valley of Kashmir, my parents migrated to Delhi in late 1900s due to riots.

My early life was good as of any other small kid. But as you grow up the life becomes tougher as you come across more truth.

My parents are handicapped and I realized my responsibilities very early. I came to Mumbai, to study my engineering course and I got an admission here.


Financial Communication

The financial goal of a wealthy minded person is to have freedom, not money.

Finance has been a problem for me, but my parents have supported me with every penny they have.

My mother was an artist but had to leave her job due to some problems, And my father still works.

He is a mechanical engineer and works in a factory. He has always supported me no matter what the condition was.

Now I think it is my responsibility to support my family, because nothing is above your family.

Educational Communication

I have done my high school education and now I am pursuing my B.Tech degree in mechanical engineering. As I see education is something that can change you as well as your family. And an educated individual who is willing to educate others can change a whole country.

Life is not about regretting something you did in past but about, taking a stand, learning from mistakes and moving ahead.


Last year in December I had a reunion with my family and I met my brother after a long time. He lives in USA. He told me about Steemit, and he said that it is a social networking platform through which you can earn. At first I thought there must be a catch.

Because who would pay you for something like this. But later on I realized more and I came to know about it more. I believe it is a great platform for a lot of people. Facebook, Instagram , Snapchat, etc; everytime you post something, they just take away a part of your privacy and you are not even paid for it.

Well steemit does.

Struggles on steemit

Well easier said than done, is it that easy to earn money. No it is not you have to put in little efforts also and that too in the right direction. I started blogging on December 2017, and I posted around two or three times. Later I realized I am not getting much appreciation for my work.

So I started copy pasting stuff from the internet. Due to which I was flagged and muted. Well I made a lots of mistake because I had no one to guide me.

I used to post more and the quality of my post was least of my concern. I was disheartened. I had no option but to quit. But I still thought that if I am working hard one day it will pay off.


One day I got an invite link on discord, the name of the channel was steemit school.

School, yeah right a school for steemit? I was amazed and wanted to know more. The first day in the school I interacted with sir Dobartim and nikolina. I was so excited that I told my friends, my parents and almost everyone about this. That I have friends from steemit now. But I was still in troubles. I had a lot of questions and had a lot to learn.

I came across flysky who is dobaritm’s brother, and he helped me gain interest in arts. I tried my hand in art and I really loved it. No everytime I have to post a picture I just edited it and make it a bit more fancier. Yes all thanks to sir @flysky



The moment of realization

One day,

I asked dobartim to visit my page and see if he can tell me what to improve. To which he replied.


I thought that I have made friends here so they will upvote me and that is it I will get money on my post through them. I made my posts regularly and I used to ask for upvotes from sir dobartim and others.

But he will just reply bad communication. Everytime he say that I used to get curious that where am I going wrong. What is it that Is wrong?

One day I gathered my courage and asked sir dobartim, that what does he meant by bad communication? Please explain.

He called me personally. Yes can you imagine a person so busy called me, just to guide me. He said the way you think it works is not right. Me giving you upvotes on all your post is not going to help you, it is just like begging. He said he has 7000 plus followers and upvoting everyone is not possible and neither is it going to help them.

His motive is to make us capable to stand on our own and earn by ourself, rather him feeding us.

After he cut the phone I realized two things,

  • steem schools is going to be huge company one day and

  • while this happens I will remain a part of it, because steemschools is my family



It is really difficult to put your efforts in the right way, but if you have someone to help you, a family then nothing can hold you back. YOU JUST HAVE TO BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.

I am still flagged and muted but this never stopped me because I believed in my hard work and my friends at steem schools. They guide me better everyday.

Everytime, I come here to steemschools and I take part in the class I learn something new. Bussiness class, art class, communication class and there is almost everything.

My point of view towards the world is now completely different, all positive no negative. I believe there is nothing I cannot achieve.

Sky is not a limit for me anymore, Knowledge can make you feel that the universe is smaller.

There are some fascinating things about dobartim I don’t know whether people have noticed it or not, which is that every single word that comes out of his mouth has some meaning today, tomorrow or may be within one week. He is so wise and I want to become a leader like him one day.

I just have to get 500sp and bring 50 people to discord group to become a leader, it is not difficult because I believe in myself.

I want to support everyone who comes to me for help, I want my country to be a better place and I want steemschools in India.

I also want to learn one trick from him which is he can tell about someone’s personality just by knowing his/her blood type.


I had problems everyone does. My parents never supported me as they wanted me to concentrate on studies. But now when they see me working hard day and night they see the spirit of not losing hope in me. I see they have stopped forcing studies on me. I have perfectly balanced my studies as well as my activities here on steemit.

So everyone

In the end I would like to convey this to all the steemians new or old. Knowledge is the key to success, and education is the basic step to knowledge. And here on steem schools our motive is to educate.

We are now a family of 4167 members and we grow everyday our next target is ten thousand members and then one million.

Want to be successful come join us

Once again thanks to all donors : @dobartim, @tatjanastan, @aidasfg7,, @mistakili, @itsmechille.

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