Another silver coin, do not worry it will be the last one, for now XD. New method more metal less color. I have a good feeling about this!!

Hello to all my friends, in order to finish my approach on silver steem coin, I decided to make this last applying a new method, I have used a single metallic layer and on it I have made the extrusions and I have played with the lighting, I have not used color to give it a more metallic touch, more like a real coin. I liked the final result, I hope that you too, will be the last one to do for now and I will dedicate myself to other projects. I am at your disposal if you want some design or anything that can be of help since I am always looking for new things to do. I withdraw from the creation of coins for now, thanking them for their support and the great enthusiasm with which they have received my designs.


Again, the idea was to change the color of the gold coin to silver. In my mind I was willing to do it but once I start working ideas come to me, I can not prevent it and I always end up doing something else.

silver coin.png

moneda steen trasera plateada bordes de relieve.png

I have become a little simpler, but I did not want it to lose its beauty and its essence, thanks to the recommendation of @snapcharts, I have added the elements of smt tokens to my designs.

Special thanks to @thedamus and @phelimint for the support.

if you want to see my previous designs I leave the links below.


Silver coin post

Golden coin post

thanks a lot to all

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2 columns
1 column