Near lethal stackitis!

My stackitis has gotten worse, but I was able to save myself... barely, and just in time.


I resorted to smoking some rolled up silver leaf I had bought at Hobby Lobby for a project I had been doing, but that only seemed to make the symptoms worse! Unable to cope with my condition in its present form, I fugured I needed to go find a fix.

As I was headed over to the medical clinic, I saw something shiny in this dumpster, so I gracefully went in to retrieved it.

fail always sunny GIF by Always Sunny in Philadelphia-source.gif

Now before you get too excited, it was nothing, just someones old heroin needles.


So I jumped out of the dumpster and yanked that shiny bit of false hope out of my hand and ran to the clinic. They had the most skillful team on staff, and made a quick diagnosis.


As we all feared, my tests were positive for SASS. Severe Acute Stackitis Syndrome, a rare debilitating disease that affects coin and bullion hoarders all over the world.

The prescription will only reduce the symptoms, unfortunately, but it will help me cope.


So off to the LCS with prescription in hand I got the treatment and applied them directly to my genitals, as recommended by Dr Brockman.


let's have a look at the goods...

5 silver dollars.


1917 925 sterling silver Newfoundland 50c. This is something I did not have in my stack. In fact I had no Newfoundland coins at all!


Anyways, not a bad little haul for today. There were more dollar coins in the box at the store, so I may need to scratch up some more fiat and head back before they're all sold out again!

Cheers Stackers.

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