Jbcoin's Silver Eggsperiment @goldmatters Egg vs Silver Fun

Ok, so @goldmatters has been messing up some perfectly good Silver Eagles to prove that silver is not as good as Mene 24K Gold for jewelry.

I would tend to agree with him, after seeing how quickly a hard boiled egg toned his uncirculated ASE!

You can read that post here...pretty fascinating stuff!


Next, he tried an experiment, where you blacken an egg over a candle flame, then immerse it in water. It should turn the egg silver.

Well, to make a long story short, @goldmatters egg failed to meet eggspectations!

He challenged me to try it myself tonight, so off I went!


Needed Material:

Hard Cider (for the chemist)
Small Mug (for the cider)
Large Mug (for the water)
Candle (lol for the flame)
Lighter (you get the picture)
1 Egg


Hold the egg with the tongs, above the candle flame. The goal is to cover it with soot, not cook it!

It's eggspecially hard, because the tongs leave a white mark behind. Reposition the egg carefully, to get all of the areas black, without removing the soot in the good looking, smooth black areas.


The Moment of Truth..Drop It In The Water 😮😮😮😢😢😥





Right away, the black soot started to turn silver in some areas, like mercury glass, but others stayed dark. Some areas were kind of in between, but hard to photograph. Almost a greenish silver, sort of translucent and shimmery!

But then, suddenly....without warning...I notice a Silver Drip?? What?

Some kind of weird silver drip on the TOP of the egg...dripping upward, like it was going to break away. This my friends, was not in the instruction manual.


I grabbed my camera, feeling like I had just seen a freakin' UFO and it was gonna be gone before I could snap a clear pic!


Jbcoin nailed it. My Bigfoot moment!


I took a long drink of hard cider and tried to decide what I had just discovered? I was shaking.

Was it a silver nipple? Had I just discovered the liquid cure for Stackitus? Or does soot contain oxygen and wants to form a bubble and rise upward, since it is becoming a liquid?

Silver Nipples It Is - WooHoo!!

I was so Eggcited to have my egg turn somewhat silver, that I was willing to call it a day!

The only thing left to do is to wash the soot off this egg and see what remains. Did I cook it over the flame?


Yep, a little dingy still. I think putting it back into the carton and pretending to be innocent won't fly with Mrs @jbcoin. Great! I'm screwed.

Only one thing to do. Hide the evidence!


Still looks pretty good to me! Looks like the barn cats will be having a late night snack!


Take a break from the field mice guys, tonight we're having candle light eggs!


All in all, I would say that this turned out pretty well! From my research, I think that you would want to use raw eggs, not boiled?

Thanks @goldmatters for a fun and eggucational eggsperience for my daughter and I tonight! She really enjoyed it!

I hope that you enjoyed reading, please give this experiment a try! I'd be interested in seeing everyone's results!

Please upvote, Resteem, and tell your friends about the silver nipples!


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