Packing my Katana, Unicorn, Navigator, Episode 2 of The Bloody Raven Chronicles

What I Pack, but first the latest add to the Stack!

Sharing with you all in on my latest acquisitions to the stack, I may not be able afford much as in the MEGA Stackers on YouTube or here at the #steemsilvergold community but I really enjoy these beautiful adds anyway.

Queen's BeastUnicorn of Scotland
I hope to complete this set as the British Mint put them out.

2017 Rwanda Navigator Series
The Santa Maria. The Bloody Raven enjoys coins with ships of course.

What I pack to protect my Stack!

As mentioned in my Introductory post I practice Kenjutsu and most of the time is with a Wooden Bokken sword. Now Kenjutsu or Japanese Sword martial arts includes Kendo, Tamashigiri, Iaido with its various forms of combat styles that usually requires full accreditation by the recognized schools back in Japan for teaching credentials. Mind you that the wooden Bokken sword in the hands of a Master can be just as lethal. But there is a big rush I get handling the real thing. However, only advanced students are permitted to practice using the Steel Katana in Dojo training.
A Matching set Fluffy and Shorty.
These are just some of my personal weaponry so I got more.
The top is “Fluffy” and samurai often name their swords, a full tang very sharp 40 inch Battle Katana. It’s a modern day equivalent of the old traditional Japanese Tamahagene steel Katana. A 1095 high carbon steel billet for the cutting edge is wrapped by a 1040 Damascus steel jacket layered over 2000 times for toughness. The wavy line running the full length of the blade is called the Haman that is made in the tempering process as the hot blade is quenched in water. Special clay is used to coat the cutting edge such that it would cool at a different rate than rest of the blade.

My Sensei wasn’t too pleased of me getting my hands on this beast. He adamantly emphasized that I would not only be a danger to myself but also to anyone around me. There are a few YouTube videos demonstrating the dangers of a live blade in virgin hands. I respect my sensei’s advice even though he admits that his knowledge of Iaido is limited and nor did he claim to have any full accreditation to teach but his experience was much, much farther down the road than mine and I was glad to learn what I can from him. I promised to adhere to a few necessary precautions before swinging it anywhere. One favorite practice space happens to be a local graveyard. Perfect. But that requires advanced permission.

So I practice more often with a hard wood Bokken sword. Practice with Fluffy in my own backyard has so far worked out fine and I have endured only one minor injury from the sheathing the blade. As turns out I find that “Fluffy” performs far different from “Fang” my Iaido Katana. Heavier, it seems to be designed more for the bigger hands of a man and a center of gravity further out onto the blade itself are the first obvious characteristics of this sword. I have resorted using Fluffy in a bit of tree trimming and whacked off a 2 inch diameter tree branch that was out of reach of my saw and too large for a pruner. Master Musashi would be turning in his grave. And what Sword person hasn’t played “Fruit Ninja” with real fruit?

Now the bottom sword is the shorter 30 inch Wakizashi sword. Full tang as well made with a solid single 1060 Damascus steel folded over 2000 layers. An inexpensive agile short sword with a good all-around design most suited for combat in confined spaces like indoors. This is my primary “Go to” weapon in confronting a Home Invader or Break in situation. The handle is shorter but long enough that I could wield using one or both hands if needed.

Chronicles of the Bloody Raven - Expanded Universe

Coin Keeper: Dragon Bar Treasure Map Update 2

The Fury

Other than the sounds of gulls and surf lapping on the warm bright sandy shoreline the time of business was at hand as Chief Keeper negotiates trade offering the Island’s best food and produce. There was always a customary celebration for every ship that anchors in their harbour and an extended hand of welcome with the anticipation of what new goods will these bear. He was used to trading with the Venture in the past and that Captain was fair, reasonable, and often generous that he seemed to always leave their village more prosperous than before he came. Now a sparkling new ship named the Fury with a different flag and different Captain. After the days of welcoming the new guests with comforts and feasts the atmosphere had suddenly changed.

Island home of Coin

The chief declined the offer “We don’t want this….this paper…for our wood and food stocks. Tools for farming, sweets, and some weapons for hunting yes we trade but silver is the fair trade for my people.”
The officer raised his arm at the huge ship anchored no more than a few hundred feet from shore. The thunderous sound of cannon fire sent shocked villagers fleeing from the shore line into the trees only for the trees and shacks themselves instantly shatter into useless splinters of wood and debris. The Volcanic stone walls of the gate porticos took only several cannon rounds before it crumbled to the ground into a useless pile of rock, now opening their village to predation by other tribes. The chief’s startled Dragoon guard unshouldered their spears and made their stand between these devils and their beloved leader only to be shot down by the men of the red uniforms.


It was a show of brute force. Captain Whitmore smirked as he kicked at the dead corpse that lay between himself and Chief Keeper. Whitman casually pulled out his pistol, cocked the flint, and aimed it at the Chief’s face before he slowly turned the deadly weapon upon his daughter Coin. “You don’t want anything to happen to her would you?”
Chief Keeper bravely stepped into the Captain’s line of fire, his hand gently guiding his daughter to shelter behind him. “We don’t want this script paper; it is no use to us.” The captain lowered his weapon. Like a sudden change in the weather, Turning it away and waving it in a carefree manner before dropping his arm by his side flintlock hanging. The officer relaxed his shoulders and for a moment appeared apologetic, stepping over to Chief Keeper “I would rather like to do perfectly good business my good chief.” The Chief sighed and glanced at the corpse of his guard then briefly closed his eyes as in a momentary prayer “Then please Captain, at least trade us the tools. They are still useful to us.”

“Sorry old man, that offer had passed.” The Captain’s gun hand tightened on the pistol grip, instantly leveled it to the Chief’s chest and fired point blank. His bare chest exploded. The sound of the shot resonated throughout the trees. Coin screamed, “Papa! No!” Chief staggered backward and fell. The remaining Dragoons threw their spears and fired old match lock rifles in defense of their fallen leader but a Staccato of gun and cannon fire decimated Dragoons to the man. Coin raced to her father cradling his head in her lap. Tears pouring from her eyes, she grasped at palm leaves and pressed them against his gaping chest wound but to no avail. His big hand clasped her bloody hand as he always did when she ever felt insecure. No longer the booming voice of confidence and authority but of a loving father she always knew. He gently coughed some blood from his mouth and struggled to speak. “You are… …Chief now Coin.” He struggled to breathe as bubbles percolated from his open chest wound..

Unsympathetic Whitmore dropped several wads of paper script, for irony he dropped a tool as well next to the weeping young woman, an iron shovel to bury the dying Chief as he barked orders to his crew. “Men, we’re good. Take all the supplies aboard” Turning to Coin, “Now these are perfectly good anywhere in the Empire my new lady Chief now my next question is where does your silver come from?” “Who supplies your Silver?” Whitmore repeated in a low deliberate and menacing tone before turning to his Number one. “Turn the Fury’s guns on the village and ready to fire on my command!”

She felt her father squeeze her hand once again, her tears dropping upon his peaceful face. She whispered to him,“…papa…” His old eyes stared back into hers, “Be strong my Coin. Preserve our people, they need you, rebuild, vengeance can come later…my beloved daughter” She tore eyes away to look around. Bodies were everywhere. She sees survivors prone writhing in pain. Then children, children disoriented and crying for their mothers. The ringing in her ears began fading and the cries of panic, moans of pain and agony began to fill her ears. Her fists clenched and her heart broke as the words came slowly from her lips.

The Venture

“Captain Ickabod Smith…. The Venture….we trade with Captain of the Venture..." the growing pit in her stomach reminded her that she just betrayed a friend and ally but there was no other choice. Her father’s eyes opened again and stared one more time up into his Daughter’s face, “I know you are brave and spirited, now I go to be with your Momma .” Her lips trembled and her voice choked as her tears poured salty tracks down her face again. The only words that could come out were, “Goodbye Papa I will be strong. I love you.”


A year passed since the confrontation with the Ship called The Fury. She trained hard as a warrior and leader of her people and waited for the opportunity to avenge the death of her father along with the many that perished that fateful day. An Indian trade ship arrives bearing news. Captain Ichabod Smith is reported dead and the Venture was sunk at the hands of ship that fit the description of the HMS Fury. Also there was news of a Ship known as the HMS Lernean Spectre, the cursed sister ship of the Fury, that ship was defeated by a mere Brigantine sized ship lead by some monstrous figure than was hardly human, a creature bent on carnage as that figure slashed a quarter of its crew and Captain to death with its lightning blade. Witness accounts bore testimony that the deck was flooded with blood and littered with body parts. Survivors called this monster The Bloody Raven for the flag boasted that of a giant Raven bearing a Japanese Sword. A sailor handed her a rice paper letter. Coin opened the letter.

The YouTube Video

Spirit ( Seishin )

Coin Keeper is a YouTube Channel and a big cornerstone of the Silver Stacking Community. She had recently rebranded herself as Laura Blade! I like that! She uploads great content with big monthly giveaways, check her out. Like, Comment, and do Subscribe!

Laura Blade Channel

Feb 2018 Appreciation giveaway

Foot Notes:
The Fury - Pixabay CC
The home of Coin - Pixabay CC
Marines – from Horatio HornBlower TV Series
The Venture – Google Images
Coin – Bingbing Li of The Forbidden Kingdom 2008

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